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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I 192, section PUD-85- I -3M for Rosepark HOA if the Board of Directors approved his <br />request. The Board of Directors discussed the matter at length and resolved to again to <br />deny Mr. Fischer's request. Again in part due to the City of Pleasanton ordinance I 192, <br />section PUD-85- I -3M and the HOA's Architectural Guidelines, and there was great <br />concem that the avvning vvould not add to the aesthetic value of the community. Mr. <br />Fischer vvas again informed shortly after via telephone vvith later vvritten confirmat;on <br />requesting that he remove the avvning as soon as possible. <br /> <br />Mr. Fischer then requested to meet vvith the Board of Directors at the next meeting to <br />appeal the Board of Director decision and met vvith the Board of Directors in September <br />of 2005. He again requested the Board of Directors reconsider his request. The Board of <br />Directors again expressed concern to Mr. Fischer that the avvning vvould not add to the <br />aesthetic value of the community and the awning vvould encroach on his neighbor's <br />property line. Mr. Fischer's appeal vvas again denied and he vvas again requested to <br />remove the awning. <br /> <br />Then on October 12, 2005 the City of Pleasanton Planning Commission informed me that <br />your office would request a vvaiver of ordinance I 192, section PUD-85- I -3M from the <br />City of Pleasant on City Council on Mr. Fischer's behalf. <br /> <br />Mr. Fischer is a member of Rosepark HOA and signed an agreen"lent vvhen he purchased <br />his unit stating that he had read the goveming documents (CC&Rs, By-lavvs, Articles of <br />Incorporation, Architectural Guidelines, and the Association's Rules and Regulations), <br />vvould abide by their stipulations, and vvould pay his assessments lavvrully levied by the <br />Board of Directors in accordance vvith the Davis-Stirling Act and the Association's <br />goveming documents. Not only Mr. Fischer has failed to comply vvith these documen'ts <br />but also failed to comply v.rith city ordinance I 192, section PUD-85-l-3M. It is my <br />understanding that this vvaiver is solely for Mr. Fischer's benefit, vvhich is a blatant <br />attempt by Mr. Fischer to override the Board of Director's decision regarding his avvning. <br />Unfortunately Mr. Fischer is mistaken in his assumption that Rosepark HOA and its <br />Board of Directors have no other options in this matter. One of your assistant planners <br />has informed Mr. Fischer's next door neighbor, vvho is directly affected by Mr. Fischer's <br />avvning, that the Association's goveming documents are unenforceable. Please note for <br />the record, that is not the case. <br /> <br />Also, the Board of Directors of Rosepark HOA is extremely surprised and frankly, <br />disturbed that you vvould take this action on behaLf of a homeov.'ner in the comn"lunity <br />vvithout the courtesy of fOrJT1al correspondence vvith the community's goven"ling body, <br />v.'hich is only good protocol. This breach in protocol only exacerbates the situation <br />betvveen the homeovvner and the Board OJ Directors. <br /> <br />It is the Board OJ Director's contention that Mr. Fischer vvas given full and due process <br />and ample opportunity to present his request vvhich vvas reasonably, thoughtJully, and <br />lav.rfully denied, given the authority granted to the Board OJ Directors by the Davis- <br />Stirling Act and Rosepark BOA's governing docun"lents. Again Mr. Fischer installed the <br />av.rning v.rithout any prior approval in violation OJ ordinance I 192, section PUD-85- I -3M, <br />the HOA's CC&Rs. and Architectural Guidelines. The Board OJ Directors believes that <br />this is a matter betv.reen the Hon"leov.'ner's Association and the homeovvner/member <br />vvhich does not require any action Jrom any outside agency. Although Mr. Fischer has <br />every right to petition his n"lunicipal government for any request; hovvever vvhat Mr. <br />