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<br />has been a result of human populations' proxirnity to the fo~l related to the actual cleanliness <br />and cohabitation and close contact W'ith chickenso This living lifestyle is atypical ~ithin the UoSo <br />and n"lore particularly in the City of Pleasantono Dr. Speer stated that basic anilual husbandry <br />practices should be impleluentedo <br /> <br />Related to the concern or desire to vaccinate or blood test chickens is unrealistic as chickens and <br />W'ild fo~l, seagulls, cro~s, etc, are exposed to various strains of virus as are hUluans and that it <br />is likely the Avian Influenza is here noW'. The concern is ~hen exposure of ill people and ill <br />birds lueet for lengths oftilue, the iluluune systelu luay be cOluproluised such that a cross over <br />can occur. Typically, the body ~ill enact its antibodies as W'ith any other strain and fight off the <br />disease. The issue of- vaccination luay not be a real solution due to the luutation factors <br />associated ~ith the virus and once in a host changes to the next and a variation of the strain is <br />producedo The virus is a protein based hemaglutin characteristic and currently knoW'n to <br />luutate. The variation in the neW's ofH5Nl ~as one strain identified that jumped the species <br />barriero It could just as easily have been HIN3, HIN4, etco It is too difficult to isolate and <br />effectively vaccinate for that straino <br /> <br />The issue of-testing does not appear to be eftective in that once the virus is in the antibody <br />systelu W'hich is W'hat is tested, it is already in the process of- shedding the body and normal <br />levels ~ill exist. <br /> <br />California and Minnesota are the only t~o states that are on top of disease control by having a <br />sentinel systelu in placeo This is ~hy Califoniia ~as so effective lUOSt recently ~ith the West <br />Nile Viruso In the event that a chicken ~ere to be found to have the virus, standard procedures <br />exist and W'ould likely require euthanasia of all chickens W'ithin a one-luile radiuso <br /> <br />The COIUluission has the folloW'ing alternatives in light of the additional infonuation: <br /> <br />I, Detenuine the threat and risk of Avian Inf1uenza is too great and deny the proposed Code <br />aluendluent; <br />20 Recoluluend to the City Council that the Code muendluent be adopted and add the <br />follo~ing condition related to Avian Influenza: <br />a. The oW'ner is responsible for practicing standard anilual husbandry and is required <br />to luaintain the chickens in a healthy condition and have thelu inoculated if <br />available or recoluluended by the United States Departluent of <br />Agriculture (USDA), and if not, subject to revieW' and reconsideration by the <br />Planning Director; <br />3, Recoluluend to City Council that the Code aluendluent be adopted unluodified; <br />40 Agendize on the Planning Comluission agenda a Code muendluent prohibiting the <br />keeping of- chickens expiring any existing conditional use permits; <br />50 Maintain the status quo of requiring a conditional use penuit for the keeping of chickenso <br /> <br />As to the issue of capons, altered roosters, Dr. Speer did ackno~ledge that this procedure did not <br />preclude croW'ingo <br />