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a one-story home on that lot would work, but that atwo-story hoxrae would include a <br />masked second story and that it would be oriented towards tlae laillside_ The window <br />condition stated that they did not want windows facing their courtyard directly_ He noted <br />that features resembling windows, but were not functional windows, would be <br />acceptable. <br />Commissioner Roberts inquired whether the condition would be eliminated if the house <br />was not built by the Borchers. <br />Mr. Swift noted that the visual impact on a courtyard across the street from a home is not <br />generally a legitimate reason to modify a design. He noted that because there was <br />agreement between the applicant and the property owner, there was nothix~g wrong with <br />this condition. Although the lot would be somewhat truncated, they were still large lots <br />with sufficient room to build a house. Staff did not expect that to be a problem. <br />Mr_ Currin described the history of the phases, and noted that the sales office had been <br />rrxoved to its current location_ He noted that with the geological restrictions and existing <br />vegetation, there would be slightly smaller homes on the large lots. He noted that they <br />had an intcrc st in retaining the heritage trees on the lots. He believed that the project <br />would lit well with the neighborhood, and that all the lots would be in conformance. He <br />added that the project would end the commercial and agricultural uses, and encourage <br />owner-occupied residences_ <br />Yeter Gates, 8151 War Glory Place, noted that he would not characterize the East Bay <br />Regional Park "Frail area as having dense brush_ He noted that the trail paralleled the Oak <br />Tree Farms subdivision, and noted that he had encountered other hikers on the trail. He <br />favored adding only the tree residential lots to the subdivision, and commended Mr_ <br />Currin for reducing the number of lots. He believed that some measures should be taken <br />to protect the safety of the neighborhood children during construction, including fencing <br />and traffic control during material hauling_ He believed that the trees along Oak Tree <br />Farm Road should be protected from the large construction vehicles_ <br />Larry Nebel, 81 02 War Glory Place, noted that he agreed with the inclusion of the three <br />lots, and believed it would be a positive addition to the subdivision_ He expressed <br />concern about noise reduction, and would obj act to six-foot berms in front of the houses. <br />Mr. Swift noted that the language could have been clearer in the EIR, and noted that the <br />xrxitigation measure was proposed for the houses higher on the ridge that the EIR <br />addressed. He noted that was not a relevant mitigation measure for the three houses. <br />Mr_ Ncbcl noted that he would like to see the sales office close as soon as possible, <br />perhaps within a year. He noted that he would not like to see a commercial sales office so <br />close to his house for an extended period of time. <br />PI ANNING COMMTSSION MINLITES July 9, 2003 Yage 13 <br />