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described in the staff report. He described the proposed additions to the water park and <br />the conversion of the existing picnic area to additional water attractions. The park would <br />operate from mid-May to mid-September, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Private parties <br />would be allowed to go to 7c30 p.~n. <br />Mr. Iserson described the proposed alterations to the site, including the relocation of the <br />main pedestrian entrance. He detailed the changes to the parking lot, including a 630- <br />space overflow lot to be constructed on the De Silva lot for a. total of 1 ,949 spaces. Thera <br />would be an additional 78 spaces for employee use; there would be a maximum of 48 <br />employees on the site at any one time. <br />Staff believed that the General Plan Amendment and rezoizing of the De Silva parcel <br />would be consistent with the rest of the park. It would also be consistent with several <br />General Plan policies regarding increased parkland, and providing for more diverse <br />recreational needs and nontraditional sports, including the BMX facility. The BMX <br />Facility design review would occur at a later date. <br />The traffic report concluded that the City's arterial streets are capable of handling the <br />project traffic; the facility would generate most of its traffic on weekends and holidays. <br />Staff believed that the water park should pay their pro rata share of Ponderosa's <br />improvements at the intersection of Stanley Boulevard/B ernal Avenue/V alley Avenue. <br />The improvement would add a free right turn lane from westbound Stanley to northbound <br />Valley Avenue. Staff added the following traffic conditions to deal with access to the <br />park: <br />I _ Lengthening the left and right-turn pockets from Stanley Boulevard into <br />the park if queuing problems develop. <br />2. Installing a bus stop and shelter on Stanley Boulevard near the EVA road. <br />3. Work with the City to create a traffic management plan for special events <br />and holidays. <br />4_ The payment of traffic impact fees based on the highest peak traffic <br />volume for weekday traffic. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Arkin, Mr. Iserson noted that parking was not <br />allowed on Stanley Boulevard. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Mr. lserson advised that the City had <br />notified Livermore of its agendas, but did not speak to City staff directly regarding the <br />route to California Splash. He noted that El Charro was identi tied on the General Plan as <br />connecting I-580 to Stanley Boulevard; whether it remained so would be considered <br />during the new General Plan Circulation Element Update. He noted that moving the entry <br />kiosk would increase the queuing capacity and reduce the impacts on Stanley Boulevard. <br />Staff used estimated peak day attendance figures of regional water parks, and examined. <br />occupancy studies done by the traffic engineer for Shadow Cliffs and other waterslide <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 28, 2003 Page 7 <br />