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<br />While this process has been effective, it is appropriate to explore other altematives that can <br />perhaps better meet existing needs. <br /> <br />To facilitate this process, staff has developed criteria arranged in specific priority categories that <br />can be used as the foundation for policy to prioritize CIP projects. Staff envisions that <br />utilization of this policy W'ould come into play after General Fund and development fees W'ere <br />used to meet debt service and other legal obligations including additional funding for existing <br />projects under contract requiring additional funding. A summary of these categories is as <br />folloW's: <br /> <br />POTENTIAL CIP PRIORITY CATEGORIES <br /> <br />PRIORTY 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY - Projects required to address health and safety issues - <br />While utility and street projects W'ould most likely fall into this category, it could include parks <br />and miscellaneous projects for building renovation/replacement to address major safety issues <br />resulting from earthquakes, storms, fire, etc. <br /> <br />PRIORITY 2: VOTER MANDATE - Projects that are addressed as a result of a voter approved <br />mandate - An example of this W'ould be the 1986 initiative that approved funding for a neW' <br />library. A current project W'ould be the Bemal Community Park - Phase I Lighted Sports Fields <br />W'hich W'as presented to the City Council as a voter generated initiative. <br /> <br />PRIORITY 3: DUAL PURPOSE - Dual purpose projects address multiple community needs <br />W'ith an emphasis on projects that provide economic development to the City - A recent example <br />of a dual purpose project W'ould be infrastructure improvements completed previously in the <br />DoW'ntoW'n W'hich addressed utility, roadW'ay and sideW'alk needs and significantly promoted <br />economic development. <br /> <br />A future dual purpose project W'ould be the Firehouse Arts Theater W'hich W'ill address a <br />community need for arts space and provide economic catalyst to DoW'ntoW'n businesses. <br /> <br />This category may also include projects that are eligible for a financial grant that W'ould <br />considerably reduce the City's contribution to the project. As an example, a trails development <br />project could address a significant community need and if it received significant grant funding <br />from an outside agency/source, it W'ould represent an economic benefit to the City by <br />minimizing City funding. In some unique cases this category could be used for projects W'ith a <br />strong multi purpose focus that benefit the community at large. An example of this W'ould be <br />renovation of the Historical Museum that provides a strong educational component, historical <br />preservation, visitor attraction, and some economic development. <br /> <br />PRIORITY 4: COMMlINITY/CITY NEED - Projects that address a community need - An <br />example of this criterion W'ould be recently approved development of the Operations Service <br />Center W'hich W'as needed to address community infrastructure services. Expansion of the <br />Pleasanton Library may also fall into this category. <br />SR:05:312 <br />Page 5 <br />