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<br />the school 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It should be noted that these reduced speeds are <br />achievable using this roundabout design with little or no speed enforcement required by Police <br />Department staff. <br />Traffic staff made a presentation to the Ruby Hill Homeowners' Association on May 23 <br />regarding the roundabout design, and will continue to work with the School District to coordinate <br />the school site circulation plan and the Vineyard Avenue roadway design. <br />FISCAL IMP ACT <br />The adjacent land developers are providing funding for these roadway improvements. These <br />improvements should eliminate the need to construct future traffic signals at $175,000 each and <br />reduce related annual traffic signal electrical expenses of about $5,000 per traffic signal. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Randall A. Lum Deborah Acosta MCKeehan <br />Director of Public Works City Manager <br />SR:Ol: 171 <br />Page 7 <br />