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<br /> Patricia Adkins, 320 St. Mary Street, stated that she was a 22-year resident and business <br /> owner in Pleasanton, a block from the proposed project. She noted that there has been an <br /> increase in the number of restaurants in this part of the Downtown and that parking has <br /> consequently become a problem during lunch and dinner times. She commented that <br /> projects are being allowed in the Downtown with no consideration for parking and that <br /> each project should be allowed to stand on its own without relying on in-lieu parking <br /> because it does not help the Downtown. She gave the Rose Hotel as an example of a <br /> business that provided for its own parking needs by constructing parking underground. <br /> With respect to the proposed project, she indicated that she was not opposed to the <br /> number of units but to the design, commenting that the units were unattractive, looked <br /> like low-cost government housing, and did not fit in Downtown Pleasanton. <br /> Mr. Haller responded to Mr. Byrd's comments, indicating that the PDA was part of <br /> whole process and that the applicant spent four to five months revising the streetscape <br /> and house features as well as agreeing with the $28,000 in-lieu parking fee proposed by <br /> PDA. He added that Messrs. Peter MacDonald and Michael O'Callaghan of the PDA <br /> Board are pleased with the project bringing six new families into town. He then clarified <br /> that Mr. Winter is looking to build conservatively to fill the housing gap under $700,000. <br /> He clarified that the original proposal was to sell the units for about $500,000, but he did <br /> not know if that was still feasible because the cost per square foot for construction had <br /> radically increased in the last 12 to 18 months that the project had been in processing. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br /> The Planning Commission recessed for a break at II :50 p.m. <br /> Acting Chairperson Arkin reconvened the meeting at II :55 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Roberts stated that design quality cannot be sacrificed for affordability <br /> and that affordability by design is entry-level and has to be attached housing. She <br /> provided examples of appropriate housing for the site such as Cambridge on the East <br /> coast. She expressed her appreciation for the applicant's goal to provide housing in <br /> Pleasanton for young couples but pointed out that it cannot always be done. She agreed <br /> that parking is a problem and that the project would take away parking spaces. She noted <br /> that the Oxsen and Barone homes are quality houses and that she did not get the <br /> streetscape comparison that she had requested of the peer review. She proposed that the <br /> project be redesigned and possibly provide underground parking or have the garages <br /> come off of St. John Street. She stated that the project would be good for another part of <br /> the City but not in the Downtown. She indicated that she could not support the project. <br /> Commissioner Pearce stated that infill housing and affordable housing are good goals. <br /> She expressed concern about density and commented that a streetscape comparison <br /> would have been helpful to see the line-up of all the houses. <br /> __ u___ - ------ ..----- -_..---- <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 27, 2005 Page 27 of31 <br />