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<br />. r4 . <br /> <br /> (3) The Berlogar private road. including the caretaker's unit . <br /> driveway, shall be widened to allow intermittent turn-outs <br /> where feasible, as deemed necessary by the Planning Director <br /> after consultation with the Fire Department. A satisfactory <br /> turn-around shall be included at the end of the road. The <br /> intersection of the caretaker driveway and Berlogar driveway <br /> shall be modified to improve sight distance and <br /> maneuverability. This entire roadway shall be paved and may <br /> be extended along the dirt road to the "flat" located beyond <br /> the caretaker's unit site. <br /> (4) The road serving Lot 17 shall be graded/paved across its <br /> frontage, with the final slope to be determined in conjunction <br /> with the final map. <br /> (5) The loop road ("A" Street) in front of Lots 12-16 and <br /> southerly of Lots I and 6 shall be 28 feet wide, curb-to-curb. <br /> with parking on one side only. <br /> (6) "B" Street shall be widened to 28 feet, curb-to-curb, with <br /> parking allowed on only one side, and shall be a City street <br /> (not a private street). <br /> (7) There shall be a "hammerhead" turnaround at the end of <br /> "B" Street satisfactory to provide fire truck turnarounds; a . <br /> gate shall be allowed on the Berlogar remainder parcel access <br /> road at a location which does not interfere with this <br /> turnaround. <br /> (8) "A" Street shall have a monolithic sidewalk, built to City <br /> standards along its westerly side for its full length. Iffeasible. <br /> rolled curbs shall be used in conjunction with this sidewalk. <br />c. Preliminary Grading Plan <br /> (I) Lot 5 shall have a pad height of approximately 458 feet and <br /> shall be graded to drain to its northeast comer. (The house <br /> proposed on this lot may be reconfigured to provide garage <br /> access from the "side street" along its northerly border.) <br /> (2) Lot 17 shall be filled to a height which equals the oak tree <br /> trunk-ground elevation along the rear of the lot; the retaining <br /> wall shown to protect the tree's root system may be retained <br /> if recommended by the arborist. <br /> (3) A swale shall be installed between Lot 16's new boundary <br /> and the private road, using 3: I side slopes: this swale shall <br /> incorporate an overflow drain connecting the creek near the <br /> headwall area under the new Berlogar driveway to the swale. . <br /> The swale at the creek should be low enough to prevent <br /> flooding of the Berlogar driveway (about elevation 415 feet) <br /> <br />Conditions of Approval. POO-5. Centex Homes' Apperson Ridge <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />June 5. 200l <br />