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I:IMITS. A~xy person or :persons residing outside of President of the Board of Trustees of the <br />the town limits of the Town af Pleasanton desiring .to <br /> Pleasanton, County of Alameda, State of Cali <br />:'ennect with the sewer system of 'the Town of Pleasan- Attest: J. H. NEAL, Town Clerk. <br />ton, shall first .petition the Board of Trustees for per- (SEAL) Oct. 15 <br />~ission to cotmeet v~ith ~id ~aw~r system; if permis- <br />sion is ~anted .by .said B~a~d of ~r~tees to connect with <br />~aid server system, then all wor~ re,tire thereto and <br />~11 connection thereof, sh~l] b.e ~e and done in ac- <br />2ordauce ~x~ith the provisions of tMs Ordinance, and <br />asid parties, upon peaminion having been obtained-from <br />.sa~d Toxvn Board to so connect with said sewer sys- <br />tem, shall enter into such con~et as .said Board may ORDINANCE NO. 77 <br />designate. Any person or persons <br />said sewer system residi~ ou~ide of the t~n limih <br />of the Town of Plea~to~, shll ~y to the Town <br />Pieasanton, the sum of Ten DolOrs ($10.00) for each <br />connect[an ~r year in ~dvance. <br /> Sec. 58. OFFICE OF I. IqSPEC~,OR. ~hat ~he dfi. ee <br />of S~nit~y Inspector in ~nd ~or <br />ton, County of Algeria, ~e of <br />created. and shall ~ f~ed ~ '.tMs Board oF T~u~, ORDINANCE NO. 78 <br />and said pe~on or .pe~ons as m~ ~ a~i~ ,~ ~ (Ordinance No. 78 repealed by Ordinance <br />Board ~ sa~d Sa.~ta~y Injector <br />p}eas~e of ~h~ Boax, d ~ ,~y b~ r.~d. a ,aly %~o. <br />See. 58-A. ASSIS~N~ ShNIT.A~Y <br />Assista.nt .Sa~i~ary ~sp~m shall :aet .u~r ,~ o~ders <br />e-f the Sani~ry .I~, :~sis~i~ ,Mm ~ t~ diverge <br />of his du~i~, and sh.ll ~ri~ such ,~ .duei~ <br />be required by the I~oard, all aDpointme~&s ,of ~n~ ORDINANCE NO. 79 <br />to be sub~e~ .to ~,~I of J~ (Ordinance No. 79 is repealed by Ordinance <br /> See. 5.9. D~TIES~ It sh~ltl be lhe duty o~ ~he <br />Sanitary Inspector to do and perform;,~l '~gs <br />set forVh 'in 't~is :Or0i-nance ~o be perfumed 'by sa~ San- <br />i~aTy Injector ~na ~o see :~ae ,~t :a~ :eve~ po~i~ ;~f <br />~is Ordinance is eomp~ed w~ ~e~rdi~g to th~ -~ue <br />inter ~nd meaning-~he~eof. A, nd :to tu~ over .the <br />money or moneys as .'col}ee~d <br />Inspector, un'der the ~l~s .of .~ ~Ora~nan~, to ~e ORDINANCE NO. 80 <br />Board of Trustees of the Town of Plea~a~eOn. .~'lq ae~ (Ordinance No. 80 repealed by Ordinance <br />and thj.ngs .t.o b~ so 4o~e and ~domed ~ said In- <br />spector to be subject to approval of said ~oard. <br /> See. 60. BOND OF INSPECTOR. Such .person or <br />persons so appoin~d .~ such ~nitary Inspector shall, <br /> <br /> <br />