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be~n covered or in any way concealed from vi.exv, <br /> THE SAID WORK MUST BE SUBJECTED TO A TEST, I,IMIfPS. Al~.y person or :persons residing out: <br /> a::. Lc:eA::~,Ab~v: s~eci-fied. When work has be.on test- ~he to~ limits of the Town d Pleasanton des~ <br /> e~t and proved perfect, the Sanitary Inspector shall be connect with the sewer system <br /> notified that the said worl~ is ready for inspection, and ton, shall tirst ,petition the B~rd <br /> il shall be the duty of the contracting plumber to sec ~i~en to connect ~ith ~id ,~awor ~ystem; if <br /> that all work is left open and convenient for inspection . sign is ganted .by .sMd Boa~d of ~rastee~ to conn~ <br /> until approved. ~aid sewer system, thou all work relative thor, <br /> The Sanitary inspector shah inspect work: withi~ ~lt connection ~hcreaf, sh~ll ~ ge and done <br /> twenty-four hours after having been n~tZfied theft such. aofdauce with ~he provisions of tMs Ordinan <br /> work is ready for inspection. asid parties, upon permiggioz~ having been obtain <br /> Sec. 55. PUBLIC NOTICE, ETC. It shall be the sa~d Town Board to so connect with said soy <br /> duty of every licensed master ~lumber to disarray at his, tern, shall enter into such contract as .~id go~ <br /> " * designate. Any parson .or persong ~ connect/ <br /> place of business a sign with his 2uli re.~-i:;;:~reJ name, said sewer system residi~ ou~ide ~f the <br /> t~nCi no other per:~on than a registered plu~-nber shall be of the Town ~f Plea~to~, s~ll ~y to the ' <br /> ~j!o~ved to display such sig:u, carry on or engage m the Pleasanton, the sum of Ten Deters ($10.00) <br /> ].,iumbing business or make any connection with any <br /> sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe, or any cortnectioi~ eonnecti.on ,per year in advance. <br /> therewith. Sec. 58. OFFICE OF IN$PECTOR. ~hat <br /> of S~itary Injector in :and ~r .the T~wn <br />Any licensed plumber ~,ho shall neglect or refuse ~o ton, County o'f ~lg~da, S~e <br />comply with the rules and regulations of this <br /> ' created, and sh~ll be f~ed :~ ;~Ma Board oF' <br />sYal! have his license suspended or revoked. and said pe~en or ,pe~ens as may :~ a~in,~e <br />Sec. 56. FEES. Whenever, upon inspection, as Board ~ sa~d Sa-~ta~y In~t~r th~l se~we d <br />provided in this Ordinance, the xvo,ks performed aro pheas~e of ~h~ ~oax,~ ~i ,~ b. r. eg~ed. a~, <br />rejected by the Sanitary Inspector, then for every ad- Sec. 58-A. ASSIS,T~N~ SANIT.~RY tN~P <br />ditional inspection that may be made, upon filing of a Assistant .Sa~taey inaptgin. shall <br />w. quest to make such 'inspection, the plumber or part:,, of the Sani~ry .I~', ~ais~i~ ,Mm ~ t~ <br />in charg'e shall pay {o the Sanitary Inspector for the of his duties,. an~ s~H ~rt~ such <br />To'~vn of Pleasanton the sum of Two and 50-100 Dol- be required by the Board, all anpointme~&s <br />lars ($2.50). and whenever plans for the doing of any to be sub~e~ .to l~,~l af <br />work under this ordinance as filed with the Inspector in Sec. 5-9. D~TIES. It sh~l be 'the dut' <br />~ecordance w~th this Ordinance are rejected by the In- ' <br />specter, at the time of filing each of said additional Sanitary Inspector to do and perform ;~t.'~i~g <br /> set forth =in 'tRis 'Or0i~ance ~o be ~e~med <br />plans for ~he doing of said work, +he plumber or party it~y 'Injector ;rid ~o see ~hat ~i :a~ :eve~ <br />~n charge thereof shall pay to the said Inspector for the ~is Ordinance is comp~d w~ <br />Town of Pleasanton, the sum of $1.00; all of which 'i~t gad meaning 'thereof. <br />salns heroin mentioned in this section, or any other sec- <br />tion of this Ordinance, shall be paid into the town tress- money ar moneys as -cdlec~d <br /> tnspsctor, un'dcr the t~ms 'of <br />ury of the Town of P]easanton by said inspector and a Board of Trustees of the Town of Plca~nVm <br />receipt therefor given to the Town Clerk of the Town of and thi.n~s +o he 'so do,e and ~Comed b <br />Pleasanton before the regular meeting night on th~ <br />first Monday of each and every month. specter to be subject to approvsl of said <br /> <br /> Scc. 57. CONNECTIONS OUTSIDE OF TOWN Sec. 60. BOND OF INSPECTOR. Such <br /> persons so appein~d ~ su~ ~n]tary Insp <br /> <br /> 228 <br /> ~29 <br /> <br /> <br />