OILl)lN2tN(q.; NO. 73. One Dollar ($1.00), fifty cents (50c) of whic]
<br />An Ordinanc~ hopesing a License Tax on EaeJ~ Person retained by trim for such arrest. He shall al.~
<br />Owning, llarho'.ing, l(.ceping or Maintaining any Dog, for killing and burying each impounded dog
<br />So ()win.d, liarbored, KeI~t or Maintained by Him, or deemed, nor reclaimed, the sum o~ One Dollar
<br />!h'r, ',;~ i{::n a~ 1A~rge ~n the Strc(qs and Higi~ways 02 The fees hareln provided llar shall be ratair
<br />the Town of Pleusanton. ~aid out of tl~L moneys derived fr.en~ the sa'.-e o
<br />The Beard olJ Trustees ~.f the, Town of Plea:s~'ontc~n {!.3~ the Foundmaster.
<br />o:'dain as rotlows, to-wk: Any person xxishing to redeem a dog from
<br />Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm St:all pay the Poundmaster the price required
<br />or corporation owning, harboring, keeping or maintain at ~hat time according to sex (fifty cents of wh
<br />i,.:g any dog to :itlow or suffer any dog so owned by him be retained by him as his fee), or if he prodt~
<br />h~r or them, to run at large upon the public streets eoipt sP;owing that the tax has been paid for t]
<br />lanes, alley3, parks or squares of the Town of Pleasan the cost of another tag shall be ~Ity cents (50,
<br />ton, withou~ causing the same to wear a tag, which musl 'See. 4. When a dog has been impounded it
<br />1, e procurerl annually from the Foundmas~er of said kept secure for forty-eight (48) .--ours, and
<br />Town. and paying annually the.refer the sum of One deemed before the expiration of that ~ime, it
<br />-v>ollar ($1.00) for each male dog, and the sum of Three killed and buried by the Poundmaster. Provi~
<br />Dollars ($3.09) for each female dog, each year for th~ any dog taken up by the Poundmaster or o~he
<br />same on thc first day of January of each year, upon the: or officer, it sic-all be released w,ithout charge
<br />paymen~ of which sum the purchaser shall be entitled being shown to the satisfaction of the P;3,undm~
<br />to a receipt, and a. tag properly n~,pni~ercd for ear!h o~ such dog does no.t belong to any person dwelli
<br />said dogs. Provided that in ease such tag or tags are Town, and is not owned, kept, harbored or m,
<br />procured after the month of January of each yc,ar, th~ hy such .ci~.izen or person, and that it has not
<br />par:y procuring the same having be,come liable for suet the Town limits so running at large more tha~
<br />tax later than the month of January, he shall pay for f.aur (24~ hours next preceding the. time it
<br />the remainder of the year at the rate of ten cents (10e) up. Any dog that would otherwise have to b
<br />per month for each male dog for each mo,nth or part of may be sold by the Poundmaster for such price
<br />a month until ~:he expiration of the year; and for each oh'sin, and such purchase price shall be his.
<br />female dog at the rate of twent:'-five cents (25e) pe~ See. 5. It shall be the duty of the Poundm
<br />mon:h for the remainder of the ye~ar. p;~oeure a sufficient number o~ tags at the e
<br />See. 2. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to the Town to be nnmblred according t,3 their
<br />take into custody, and impound every dog found run. each year. and sl?~'r~ped "Pleasanton Dog T~
<br />ning at lar~e in tt:e public .streets or places within the the issue thereon, which must be attacheel to
<br />corporate limits of the Tox~,n not provided with such tag of every d~ (male or female). as by this Ordin
<br />and the Tetra l~arshal or any citizen of the Town may vhled. .And ~,o female des shall be permitted
<br />take into custody any such dog not provided with sucY large. tagge;q or nntagged. while in heat, and
<br />tag. as herein provided, and place the same in the cus- taken charge of By the owner and properly D
<br />terry of the Poundmaster of the. Town. when notified hv the noundma~t~r, she shall
<br />See. 3. For each tag sold by him, the Poundmaster l~iP~d stud buried h,- him at once.
<br />shall be en'Atled to twenty-five .cants (25c) provided ~ee. 6. It ~5,H b~ unlaxvful for any person
<br />that when a do~ has been impounded and redee,med. the ,,~ of any ts~. not ~rocured hy him, as in this
<br />fee for such redemption shall be paid to the Pound. rec~x~ired. and any person found atesUng or sac
<br />master and retained by him. And the Poundmaster tag from any dog not his own, shall he guilty
<br />shall recc,ive for each dog arrested by him, the sum o: demeanor.
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