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between the points on said streets indicated by said profile lines. <br /> ~hat the official grade of Main ~treet be and the same is hereb~ <br /> ~hanged to and established as the grade indicated on said map by <br /> the profil® line designated "proposed street gred®~ between the <br /> points on said street indicated by said profile line. That the <br /> grade of Railroad Avenue be and the s,eEe is hereby established as <br /> follows: At the point of crossing by said railroad to be the same <br /> as the grade of Division Street where the same is so crossed, and <br /> from said point of crossing to run Southerly at a down grade of <br /> five feet in one hundred. The grades indicated by said profile line <br /> shall be the grades of the center lines of said streets and said <br /> streets shall be graded from the center lines thereof to the side- <br /> walk line with a sufficient sl~pe to allow a good drainage. <br /> <br /> Section IV. <br /> <br /> Wherever the said railroad track or tracks of said WESTERN <br />PACIFIO RAILWAY COMPANY, or its succes~ors in interest or assigns, <br />hereby authorized to be constructed, are laid upon any Public <br />stree~,,highway or place, said track or tracks shall be laid and <br />maintained flush with the surface thereof, ~i th~ caid WESTERN <br />PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, its successors i~ interest or assigns, <br />shall be required to pave and keep in repair said street, highway <br />or place between the tracks ~nd along and ~Jithin the distance of <br />two feet upon each side of the r~llroad tracks occupied bM the said <br />Company, in the same manner in which the balance of the street, <br />highway or place at the point so occupied by said t~acks is paved <br />and kept in repairs and shall also provide and maintain sufficient <br />culverts, gutters, or other means for takln~ care of the drainage <br /> <br /> <br />