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Task Group 2 Environmental Review <br /> <br />Mundie & Associates will begin the environmental analysis by conducting a reconnaissance of the site <br />and a review of the characteristics of potential uses. These first steps will be followed by an initial <br />appraisal of the types and levels of impacts that may result of implementation of Option 1. Finally, the <br />first draft of the core chapter of the EIR - Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures - will be <br />prepared. <br /> <br />Task 2.1 Project Description <br /> <br />Drawing on the Phase I Specific Plan, the Initial Study, and information supplied by the City's Specific <br />Plan consultants, M&A will draft the EIR Project Description chapter: narrative, graphics, background <br />information relating to the purpose and content of an E1R, and a description of the EIR process. One <br />meeting with staff is assumed for this task. <br /> <br />Task 2.2 Scoping the Environmental Review <br /> <br />2.2. i Site Review <br /> <br />Subareas of the Phase II Specific Plan site are distinguished from each other by site characteristics that <br />include acreage, configuration, topography, vegetation, drainage, access, and other features. Drawing <br />from the earlier EIRs on the Bemal property, the oppommities and constraints analysis conducted by <br />the Bemal Property Task Fome, and any recent relevant studies by the City and others, M&A will <br />compile an appraisal of environmental conditions pertaining to each subarea for use by the EIR team. <br /> <br /> 2.2.2 ~se Review <br /> <br />Guided by the City's staff and consultants, M&A will work with the list of Option 1 uses to determine <br />(1) the types of impacts associated with each use, (2) the magnitude of such impacts (which relate to <br />both the type of use and its scale), (3) the spatial dimension of such impacts (are they closely contained <br />or would they extend over a wide area?), and (4) the potential for building in mitigation for impacts. It <br />is expected that some uses (most likely the uses that are larger and have higher activity levels) could <br />have many types of impacts including some that are substantial, while others would have a narrower set <br />of impacts and be of lower severity. Again, the types and ranges of impacts will be organized for use <br />by the EIR team. <br /> <br /> Task 2.3 Initial Draft of Setting, Impacts, and Mitigations <br /> Chapter of the EIR <br /> <br /> An initial draft of this core chapter of the EIR will be completed by the EIR team for review by staff <br /> and the Specific Plan consultants. <br /> <br /> This work will begin with the distribution of the draft project description chapter to the environmental <br /> team, with substantive guidance fi:om M&A to team members regarding scope based on the outcomes <br /> of Tasks 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. Upon completion of the environmental analysis, the work will be compiled <br /> by M&A and presented in the form of a first draft of the Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures <br /> chapter of the EIR. <br /> <br /> Bemal Propert~ Proposal <br /> PAase-rISpeci~¢ Plan £flf Page 5 iff=die & Assoclates <br /> <br /> <br />