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<br />Charles Huff, 495 Shearwater Road, expressed concern about the secondary unit. He said it <br />does meet the criteria; however, his concern has more to do with noise and traffic problems. <br />He is also concerned about some of the activities that go on at the applicant's home. He <br />noted that Sea Eagle Court is a small court and if the secondary unit is rented out, it could <br />further impact traffic. <br /> <br />Bill Hughes, 2245 Sea Eagle Court, said he lives next door to the applicant. He noted that <br />his concerns are as follows: Parking is restricted because Sea Eagle Court is a small court <br />with five houses that front off of it; much of the curb space there does not allow parallel <br />parking and cars get stacked up. Noise is particularly bad at times, coming from cars at the <br />applicant's home. The Davis' tend to abuse parking more than normal and this complicates <br />parking matters. He is concerned that if the secondary unit should ever be rented, the renter <br />would be inclined to park in front, rather than use the parking allocated and available for a <br />second unit. Furthermore, an iron gate exists across the front yard and he figured someone <br />who lived in the back would not open the gate and drive to the back, but would further <br />complicate parking. Past traffic generated by the Davis household has been careless and <br />noisy, often coming late at night. Other concerns are that the persons who live at the Davis <br />household may be dealing in drugs, as drug enforcement agents have kept the house under <br />surveillance and that officials from the Department of Motor Vehicles have questioned <br />neighbors about vehicles being repaired in the garage. Mr. Hughes further stated that some <br />of the cars kept there have been for resale, not for classic repair. <br /> <br />Chairman Mahem discussed the matter of the spa delivery with Mr. Hughes. Mr. Hughes <br />said this activity is no longer going on. In addition, the auto refurbishing has stopped. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Michelotti's question, Mr. Hughes said he is not aware of any <br />additional people living at the Davis house at the present time. He said at one time he did <br />help Mr. Davis unload spas, but now they no longer even speak. <br /> <br />Joan Myers, 2280 Sea Eagle Court, also lived adjacent to the Davis'. Her concerns were the <br />same as the Hughes'. She said if the occupation permit allows only office activities and craft <br />type work, the applicant has already broken the law. She was also concerned about parking <br />and unlawful activity from the Davis household. She commented that because of them she <br />was out a car and some money. <br /> <br />Richard Davis returned to the podium. He responded to Ms. Myers' comment about the loss <br />of a car and money, noting that she is speaking of his son, who no longer lives there. <br /> <br />Commissioner Horan asked Mr. Davis if his son is in the car repair business. The applicant <br />said his son did this as a sideline. However, his son and friends are no longer there and they <br />will no longer stay there with him. Commissioner Horan noted that even though his son was <br />the one who might be creating the problems, Mr. Davis allowed it to happen in his <br />household. <br /> <br />Minutes Planning Commission <br />December 11, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br />