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! <br /> for the amount of sucax a~sessments respectively. After confir....~a- <br /> 2 <br /> tton of said report, a co~:0y u~'~all -e t'~rned over to the <br /> 3 <br /> and tax collector of the Town ~f !le~anton, w!ereupon it ~all <br /> 4 <br /> ~ the duty of ~aid officers to a~ the ~o~nts of the reststile <br /> 5 <br /> as~eus~ntu to the ne~t re~lar bile for t~eu levied against the <br /> 6 <br /> s~i~ resp~ve p~rcel~ of real property for m~iuipal purposes, <br /> <br /> ~d ~h~eafter ssid ~ounts ~all be collected at the ~a'ne and <br /> 8 <br /> the sa=~e ~aanner as ordina~ t~es of the 'A'o~n oi' ~ lcasanton are <br /> 9 <br /> collected, and shall be subject to the s~ pennties ~ <br /> 10 <br /> $~ne ~rocedure under the forcelearners ~d sale in c~ne of delin- <br />1] <br /> <br /> 12 quency s~ provided for ordinary t~es of the To;~;n of le~as~,ton. <br /> ~]ection 5. Nothing in this ord-Lnance c..~nt~in~. shall be <br />13 <br /> <br /> strued to req~:ire the re~al g from i~y ~rop~rty or sidew~k <br />14 <br /> <br />15 ~y or~ment~ plants~ la~n or shmxbs ~f a reasonable growth; <br /> <br /> pr~vide,i that the s~e are not in any ~ner obstructionc to the <br />18 <br /> <br /> frce ~e ~ s~Ach sid~w~k by pedestrians. <br />17~ <br /> <br /> Section 6. ~ ordin~ce is hereby ~M~eby-declared to be <br />18 <br /> an u~gency measure within tl~e m~ing of Sectlon~ol~ ~, act entitled <br />19 <br /> <br /> '~ act to provide for direct le~islatlon by ci~iec lind <br />80 <br /> <br /> includi~ initiate. re a~ referends" approved January 2. 1~12. <br />81 <br /> <br />S2 State, ~. Se~. 1911, p, 131. The follo~ing is a statement of <br />23 fasts constituti~ su~ ~gency. ~ere is at the pres~t ti~e <br /> <br />24 ~ gro~i~ up~ ~d upon property a~ sidew~ks ~d str~:to <br /> <br />26 ~xh~ch constitute a nuis~ce ~d are ~gerous ~d a mna~ to <br />27 ~ health ~d safety, ~d t~t ~:~e:.i~:~ediate r~o~ ~f said <br />28 ~d weeds is necess~, =~ t~hi~h ~mediate removal cannot be <br /> <br />Z9 effected under e~isting statutes and ordinances. <br />30 Section .~ Thi m ordinance ~t be publi s~ed once in [~,e 21e a~n- <br />31 ton Times and shall take ei'fe~t i~mediately. <br /> <br /> <br />