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1 of ten days. If, at the end of 8,,i~.h period mentioned in said <br /> <br /> notice, such o'~ner has failed t, c;~:~iply wi%h s~d notice, ~en ~e <br /> B Supezinten~ent oi' Streetn ~ali cause ~ch gra ~. weedn, rubbish <br /> <br /> 4 or other ob~tr~ction~ or ~teriaZ~ to be ~,oved fro~ ~c~ proper~", <br /> <br /> 2~ owner. <br /> <br /> 7 Section 5. Tlxe ;~reet Superint~dent ~ail keep ~ account of <br /> <br /> 8 the cost o[ remo~-i~*~ ~uch ~r~, weeds. rubbi~ or oti~er obetruc- <br /> <br /> 9 tion or ;.~teri~2 from t~e pro~rty ~d t~e sidewalk a~ street <br /> <br />11 ties, and ~h~l f~mdcr ~ i~emized report in writi~ ~o ~ <br /> <br />1E ~~,~~~ ~ard of Trustees ~f th: To~n of <br /> <br />13 ~lea2a~ton at their next reg~l~ meti~ after ti~e completion of <br /> <br />14 <br /> ~y such work e~owing ~e cost of r~o~i~ auct~ grass, <br /> <br />15 <br /> rubois]~ or other obetr~ctions or mterials ~om ~or in front <br />16 <br /> of ea~ zep~ate parce~ of re~ property; provid~:d ~at <br /> <br />17 <br /> ssid report ~ i~ su~itted to s~d ~ard of T~aetees, a copy of <br /> <br />18 <br /> the s~le sha~.i be posted for at lea~t three d~s prior thereto <br /> <br />19 <br /> on or ~ar the c~mber d~or of said ~~ Board of Trustees, <br />20 <br /> together t~it~ a notice of the titus ~,~.hen ~aid r~rport ehatl ~ <br /> <br />21 <br /> ~ubmitt~d to the said ~ rd of Trustees for co~irr~tion. <br /> <br /> Section 4. At the time fixed for the rec~i~i~ ~d consi~ering <br /> <br />23 <br /> said report, ~e ~d of Trustees shail he~ the sa,~e, ~oge~ler <br /> <br />24 <br /> ~;~ith ~y objections ~ m~ be ~aimed by a~ of the property <br /> <br />26 <br /> ow~ liable to ~ aszessed for ~e work oi abati~ said nuis~Aces <br />B6 <br /> and tl~reu~..on ~e e'u~ modificati~ns in the rpeort as they d~em <br /> <br /> necezsa~, after ~vhicn by motion or re~olution sai~ report <br />~8 <br /> be confir~ea. ~e mo~ts of the cost for ab~ti~ a~ch nuis~cee <br /> <br /> from su~ pro~r~ or sldew~,ke and street~ in front ~ereof <br />30 <br /> m~tioned In said report ~ail constitute ~peciat asmecsmmts <br />31 <br /> against t.~':~e respective i~arce!s of real. property, ~d a5 thus <br /> <br /> ~d confired ~alI constl~te a lien or liens on ~aid property <br /> <br /> <br />