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PC 07/24/1991
City of Pleasanton
PC 07/24/1991
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PC 07/24/1991
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<br />Dave Benzl, 404 Pine Hill Lane, Pleasanton, read the definition of "socialism" to be "democratic <br />control of private property and businesses" and requested that the definition should be put on the <br />initiative so the citizens will be aware of the exact nature of the initiative. He felt in that way <br />voters could make up their own mind if this was a facet of socialism. <br /> <br />Becky Dennis, 838 Gray Fox Circle, urged that the Commission fully study the report before it is <br />put on the ballot. She felt that if 2,640 units were developed on 850 acres that the park would be <br />like a "tot lot". She felt the plan as presented would rob the citizens of a natural resource. She <br />urged that the Commission get a thorough analysis of the report and that the public is given the <br />opportunity to evaluate this analysis. <br /> <br />Ms. Dennis said she felt that the ballot language as it stands is a "sales" push. If it does go to the <br />November ballot, she would like the following changes made to the ballot language: <br /> <br />1) Allow for up to 2,640 housing units in the Ridgelands; <br />2) Use a density transfer program to concentrate development on 12 % of the land; <br />3) Leave 88 % of the land which is developed as open space. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Jeff Cooper, 7534 Flagstone Drive, Pleasanton, wished to point out that the committee was not a <br />complete representative body of the citizens of Pleasanton. He noted that while on the committee <br />they were not allowed to discuss the impact of the proposal on existing Pleasanton neighborhoods. <br />He felt that as proposed the plan devalues his Foothill Road neighborhood. As stated in the staff <br />report, he thought it was clear that the taxpayers will end up subsidizing the development. He felt it <br />was the job of the Planning Commission to make this clear on the ballot. <br /> <br />Emily Wagner, 520 Rowell Lane, Pleasanton, stated she served as Chairman of the Ridgelands <br />Committee and supported the Committee report. As Chairman, she was not allowed to vote, but <br />was only allowed to help the group reach a consensus. She supported the Committee plan as <br />presented and felt it reached her goal to preserve the Main and Sunol Ridges and also preserve open <br />space. She stated she would support the idea of additional studies being done if the surrounding <br />cities paid for it. In regard to road access to the Ridge, she said she never envisioned a road cutting <br />up the face of the Ridge. <br /> <br />Ms. Wagner stated she agreed with Ms. Dennis that the ballot language as presented did not clearly <br />represent what the Committee proposed. She felt, for instance, that all the recommendations of the <br />Quasi-Public Committee for uses be included, as well as others. Ms. Wagner felt the staff report <br />gave more credibility to the minority committees than some other people indicated. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Hovingh's question, Ms. Wagner said she certainly felt this proposed <br />plan should be self-supporting. <br /> <br />Martin Interbitzen, a long-time resident of Pleasanton and attorney representing many of the land <br />owners, suggested that a smaller committee could work with City staff and come up with clarified <br /> <br />Minutes Planning Commission <br />July 24, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />. <br />
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