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<br />Commissioner Michelotti asked Mr. Swift how they would deal with the smaller lot on <br />Vineyard if they went with R-l-lO,OOO but put restrictions on it. Mr. Swift replied it would <br />be the same as with a legal non-conforming lot. The difference between calling it a PUD <br />and calling it a straight zoning is that nothing could happen on any of these properties <br />without first bringing back development plans that the Planning Commission and Council <br />could review, whether it would be building a single house or anything else. He said what <br />he understands Commissioner Horan to be saying that this would be a PUD Medium <br />Residential with the condition that no lot be less than 10,000 sq. ft. which would be applied <br />to any new lot that could not be subdivided smaller than that. It would not mandate that any <br />lot be expanded to 10,000 sq. ft. before receiving a building permit. <br /> <br />Chairman Mahern said she would favor R-l-lO,OOO and did not think it is necessary to take <br />it to a PUD. <br /> <br />The Commission further discussed their views of the different process as to whether they <br />should go with straight zoning or a PUD. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Horan, seconded by Commissioner Hovingh approving <br />the draft Negative Declaration prepared for Case RZ-9l-l inasmuch as approval would not <br />have any significant adverse effects on the environment. <br /> <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ABSTAIN: <br /> <br />Commissioners Horan, Hovingh, McGuirk, Michelotti, and Chairman Mahern <br />None <br />None <br />None <br /> <br />Resolution No. PC-9l-38 was entered and adopted approving the Negative Declaration <br />prepared for Case RZ-9l-l as motioned. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Horan, but failed because of a lack of a second to <br />change the staff recommendation from the rezoned approach indicated in the maps and adopt <br />a PUD-MDR that limits the size of the lot to R-I-IO,OOO. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hovingh, but failed because of a lack of a second to <br />accept staffs recommendation. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Michelotti, seconded by Commissioner Hovingh for <br />adoption of staff recommendation of R-l-lO,OOO with the following modification: <br /> <br />o Elimination of the R-1-7,500 zoning and go with straight zoning. <br /> <br />Minute. Planning Co.-i..ion <br />June 12, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br />