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<br />Commissioner Michelotti asked if the bedroom is visible from only one of the second story <br />bedrooms. Mr. Brown stated that it is the applicant's child's room that looks directly in <br />their son's bedroom, but the currently established shrubbery will mitigate the problem. <br />However, the proposed window will give direct view. He further stated that the master <br />bedroom window looks into their family room, and the angle of view from the master <br />bedroom into their son's room is not a problem. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING IS CWSED. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright observed from the plans provided that the elevation changed <br />approximately 18 inches. He would like to see a tree planted close to the light standard to <br />minimize its impact. Commissioner Wright does not want lattice work added to the fence. <br />He supports the Brown's concerns, and feels that the addition of a 15 gallon tree will be <br />sufficient to provide adequate privacy. <br /> <br />Chairman McGuirk feels that the 24 inch box size tree is needed for privacy immediately, <br />not waiting for two years for the tree to grow to size. <br /> <br />Commissioner Finch inquired of staff if the light poles could be made less obtrusive to the <br />neighbors. Mr. Swift stated there is no city design review require~ent for poles under ten <br />feet. The PUD ordinance for this tract states that the lights cannot spill into the neighbors' <br />yards. The lighting problem will be mitigated by staff, though they have no control over the <br />poles. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked where the proposed tree would be placed. In response, <br />Commissioner Wright said it could be placed within 2-3 feet of the fence line, therefore, the <br />major growth would be above the fence line. Commissioner Finch advised it is important to <br />have the tree placed in a proper location so the Browns can maintain their privacy. <br />Chairman McGuirk inquired if staff would work with the applicant for optimal tree <br />placement. Mr. Swift advised that the Commission's approval would have to be conditioned <br />such that the addition of a tree must be placed in a location to screen the line of sight from <br />the middle bedroom window to the Brown's bedroom window. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti questioned Commissioner Wright if he was in favor of putting in <br />five to seven trees as is stated in Option B of the staff report. Commissioner Wright stated <br />he was not in favor of a row of trees, one tree was sufficient. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti stated that the proposed design by the applicant is a more pleasing <br />design than that proposed by staff, though that elevation means less privacy to the neighbors. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh believes the staff recommendation is superior to the other proposals. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright also supports the staff design. He does not care for the fixed glass <br />window between the two sliding windows and feels the stafP s proposal provides more <br />options for furniture placement. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />October 27, 1993 <br /> <br />- <br />