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<br />{.. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />~ Z-93-148. .fohn Ybarra <br />Referral of a decision of the Zoning Administrator approving an. application for <br />administrative design review to relocate two windows to a second floor location to <br />accommodate a proposed interior room addition in the existing residence located at <br />3398 Hadsell Court. Zoning for the property is PUD (planned Unit Development) - <br />Medium Density Residential District. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift presented the staff report recommending approval of Case Z-93-148 with the <br />conditions as listed in Exhibit B. Staffs recommendation is a compromise between the <br />existing house windows and what is proposed by the applicant, eliminating one large window <br />and adding two smaller windows. Staff feels the adoption of their recommendation precludes <br />the addition of lattice work to the fence or landscaping. Mr. Ybarra was not present, but he <br />notified staff he was in agreement with the staff report and conditions. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Wright's inquiry regarding the backyard lights, Mr. Swift <br />indicated that staff is pursuing the issue and the lights will be changed to conform to the <br />PUD conditions. <br /> <br />Chairman McGuirk clarified the applicant's plans to eliminate the vaulted ceiling in the <br />family room and add a second story bedroom over the family room. Further, he ascertained <br />that the existing second story windows at the present time are for lighting purposes only. <br />Mr. Swift further advised that the two other windows on the second floor are bedroom <br />windows that look toward the west. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING IS OPENED. <br /> <br />Steve Brown, 3565 Ballantyne Drive, advised that he is the neighbor directly behind the <br />applicant's home. Mr. Brown stated he was not aware when the development was built that <br />the lots would be elevated approximately three feet, in effect giving the houses an even better <br />view into their homes. Mr. Brown stated that their current landscaping will, within the next <br />year or two, sufficiently block the view into their family room window. He feels the new <br />windows will increase visibility into their home by approximately 30%, and will look <br />directly into their family room and their son's bedroom. The Browns would like to have <br />additional trees and/or shrubbery or two feet of lattice-work added to the fence to provide <br />privacy. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked if it is possible to see into their son's bedroom from the <br />current windows. Mr. Brown stated that it is possible, but the shrubbery is starting to <br />provide some privacy. Mr. Brown stated that from the new proposed window it will be <br />possible to see directly into his son's bedroom. Mr. Brown then indicated on a picture <br />provided to the Commissioners where his house is and the window placement. He pointed <br />out to the Commission where he would like a large tree planted and/or the lattice added to <br />the fence. Commissioner Finch suggested an awning over the window to provide more <br />privacy. Ms. Brown responded that the awning would make the room too dark. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />October 27, 1993 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />- <br />