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<br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CWSEQ. <br /> <br />,-- <br /> <br />COMMISSION COMMRNTS <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk said he walked the site and it is very rugg with spectacular views. <br />He felt the park would certainly draw a great number of people wh might wish to walk the <br />park and the adjacent trails. He thought the golf course would defi itely need to be a cart- <br />type of course. In regard to the need for a second access road, he xpressed concern what <br />might happen in the future if one is not provided for. He sugges that at least a right-of- <br />way be provided by the applicant for a possible second road. How ver, he felt it would be <br />best to spread the traffic out more. He thought access to the golf urse should be on Hearst <br />Drive and there should be a separate access to the golf course so as not to mix resident <br />traffic with golf traffic. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />In regard to grading for the residential homes, Commissioner McG irk felt there would be a <br />significant amount, but there would still be a park-like setting that ould block the residential <br />component of the development. He felt even though a good numbe of trees would have to <br />be removed that with some replanting it would not be as bad as he ad initially thought. He <br />would favor only 98 homes with the golf course; he would like the ity to consider Plan E <br />and the dedicated open space with the trail system as much as possi Ie. He felt there is good <br />potential mixed in with golf course surroundings. He noted he is n t a golfer, but felt that <br />with a golf course there it would always be open space which woul keep out more houses. <br />He has lived near golf courses and essentially sees them as big par ,and did not see why <br />anyone would object to having a golf course near their home. Com issioner McGuirk <br />concluded that with modifications he could support the project. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti stated she agreed with much of what Com issioner McGuirk said. <br />She felt it was a very attractive project; however, she had concerns bout traffic impacts on <br />Hearst Drive. She could not support a second access to the site. S e also felt that if a park <br />is to be designated that it should be a public park, and that the appli t should work with <br />staff in regard to the public trail system. She felt that traffic mitiga on measures could be <br />worked out between staff and applicant. Her biggest question or co cern had been about <br />having a golf course on the site; however, she has come to the concl sion that she could <br />support the plan with a course. She had walked the property and is onvinced that the homes <br />themselves will not be seen. She concluded that she favored 98 unit , a golf course, no <br />second access road, installation of trails, and the larger alternative a presented by the <br />applicant because it moves certain golf holes away from the areas of concern. With those <br />conditions, she could support the project. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Commissioner Mahern stated that the loss' of a significant number of ak trees is a paramount <br />concern of hers. However, the General Plan has already been chang so the oak orchards <br />are destined to be removed anyway with some future development. he would personally <br />like to keep the site just as it is, but could support the project with a olf course. She <br />favored Plan E with the golf course; she did not think the applicant s ould receive a density <br />bonus and felt that the trail system was the trade-off for the loss of s. She would have to. <br />insist that they stay with the 98 homes. She said she had a difficult me with the issue of a <br />second access road, but did not want to completely close off options or one in the future. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes August 12, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />