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<br />Drive Is sIgnifIcantly less than the distance between the proposed second <br />unIt and the surrounding homes. <br /> <br />4. Aooroxlmate Layout of the Baber prooerty <br />Figure 2 IS a Plan VIew of Raber's property. After approprIate gradIng, a <br />flat pad wlll be established, onto which the second unit will be erected. <br />FIgure 2 shows the approximate sIze and locatIon of the second unIt, <br />IncludIng locatIon of the Integral garage and drIveway leadIng to Deer Oaks <br />Court. <br />Figure 2 shows an ImagInary boundary line separating Raber's 2 acre lot <br />Into effectIvely two lots, each beIng approxImately one acre. Therefore, the <br />erected residence (second unit) w1l1 have: <br />(a) An effective lot sIze greater than 50~ of the 19 existIng homes. <br />(b) An effective frontage onto the street that Is greater than 50~ of the <br />19 exIstIng homes. <br /> <br />5. ConclusIon and Future ActIon <br />ThIs applicatIon deals solely wIth a varIance of the exIstIng buildIng <br />envelope In order to permIt the City of Pleasanton to consIder the merIts of <br />erectIng a second residentIal unIt In the locatIon shown In FIgure 2. <br />FollowIng the grantIng of such variance, Raber wlll submIt an appl1catlon <br />for a permIt to construct a second unIt, whIch will be accompanIed by <br />sufficIent constructIon details and the spec1flc buildIng placement to <br />permIt the CIty to ascertaIn compllance wIth all applicable buildIng codes. <br />