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<br />Samuel Raber 20 Deer Oaks Court Pleasanton CA 94588 <br /> <br />DescrIptIon of VarIance Proposal <br /> <br />1. IntroductIon <br />Samuel Raber and SylvIa Raber are the owners of Lot 7 of PUD-82-13 <br />and desire to erect a detached second unIt that conforms to the standards of <br />State Government Code SectIon 65852.2. <br />CondItIon 62 of the PUD <CIty of Pleasanton OrdInance No. 1050) states <br />that no structure shall be constructed outside of the area shown on the <br />developoment plan as the bull~Ing envelope. SInce the proposed locatIon of <br />the second unIt Is outsIde the buildIng envelope, an appllcatlon for a <br />varIance to OrdInance No. 1050 Is hereby submItted. <br /> <br />2. Arguments In SUDDort of Variance <br />A Soeclal CIrcumstances Aoollcable to the ProDert~ On flat or level <br />lots of PUD-82-13, the assocIated building envelope coincIdes with the <br />overall lot, except for setbacks. On h111slde lots, such as Raber's, the area of <br />the building envelope Is usually much smaller than the lot and typically <br />defines a SIngle flat area wIthin whIch a sIngle family residence Is to be <br />erected. <br />The specIal circumstances concernIng Raber's lot, IS that there exIsts a <br />350 foot frontage onto Deer Oaks Court and, furthermore, there exists two <br />flat areas that can accommodate residential butldlngs. The Rabers contend <br />that the butldlng envelope of their lot was erroneously drawn on the <br />development plan and should have encompassed both flat areas, Instead of <br />only one area that contaIns the present residence. The presently drawn <br />building envelope Is Insufficient to accommodate a detached second unit. <br />The strict applicatIon of the existIng building envelope to a limited <br />portion of Raber's 2 acre lot deprives such property of prlvtleges enjoyed by <br />other nearby properties havIng buildIng envelopes that encompass all level <br />areas of property. <br />The Rabers are hereby applying for a variance to OrdInance No. 1050 to <br />permit the erection of a detached second unit along Deer Oaks Court, but <br />