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<br />Commissioner McGuirk inquired of staff if the two soccer fields in Amador Community Park <br />are still usable with the proposed development. Ms. Bengtson advised that they would be. In <br />the case of putting additional parking to the east of the pool, she would have to ascertain if there <br />is sufficient room for the soccer fields before answering. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br /> <br />Chairman Lutz advised the audience that Safeway is not removing parking spaces, the building <br />orientation will be changed diminishing the accessibility to the park from the parking lot. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dove asked if this approval includes the parking lots. Mr. Iserson stated the <br />Commission could approve the design review with a condition concerning a feasibility study for <br />an eastern parking lot. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright feels the comments of Mr. Toland are very legitimate regarding the after- <br />hours "party location." With adding SO spaces to the front parking lot, he is unsure another 60 <br />spaces are absolutely needed in the west parking lot. Commissioner Wright would consider <br />approving the application only if all the redwood trees would remain as well as reconfiguring <br />the parking lot so that it could be gated with only a few parking spaces behind the Cultural Arts <br />Building for loading purposes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hovingh feels that the new facility will be a site for competitive swim meets <br />which will need the additional parking. Ms. Bengtson stated her concerns for parking. Daily <br />operations of summer leam-to-swim sessions is inadequate, proposed parking meets the peak <br />daily needs. Swim meets are infrequent; however, a way to mitigate parking is to notify the <br />participants where they are allowed to park as well as notifying them that overnight parking is <br />prohibited. Violators should be ticketed by the police. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright suggested that the parking be approved for Phase I and Phase II only if <br />there is a 35 foot buffer, no trees are removed, and the parking lot is reconfigured to allow for <br />a gate. Ms. Bengtson noted her agreement. She is sympathetic to the problems of the neighbors <br />and feels the police need to patrol this area more frequently. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk would like to see a study conducted looking at a centrally located <br />parking area. Commissioner Dove feels a parking lot to the east off Santa Rita would serve both <br />the soccer and aquatic communities. <br /> <br />The Commissioners had no comments nor concerns about the design, colors and architecture of <br />the project. <br /> <br />Mr. Iserson advised that since the concern of the western parking lot is in Phase II, the <br />Commissioners should delete the Phase II approval from their recommendations. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />September 13, 1995 <br />