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<br />9. The applicant shall install right-turn deceleration and acceleration lanes for the BMX <br />site's Stanley Boulevard driveway_ Said modification shall be shown on the building <br />permit plans and shall subject to final review and approval by the City Traffic Engineer <br />and Alameda County. <br /> <br />10. Prior to installation of any signs, a comprehensive sign program shall be submitted to the <br />Plarming Director for review and approval. Said sign program shall include the specific <br />details for each sign (i.e., colors, materials, illumination, location, sign text, etc.). The <br />following signs shall be included in the comprehensive sign program: <br /> <br />a. Signs installed to clearly designate the parking and non-parking (i.e., drive aisle) <br />areas. <br /> <br />b. Signs installed to clearly indicate that the parking lot is for BMX-parking only. <br /> <br />11. If operation of this use results in conflicts pertaining to parking, noise, traffic, or other <br />impacts, at the discretion of the Plarming Director, this conditional use permit may be <br />referred to the Plarming Commission for subsequent review at a public hearing. If <br />necessary, the Commission may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such <br />impacts, or may revoke said conditional use permit. <br /> <br />12. If additional activities beyond that described in the "Project Description" section of the <br />July 28,2004, Plarming Commission Staff Report are desired, prior City review and <br />approval is required. Such modifications shall be submitted to the Plarming Director, <br />who may approve the modification or refer the matter to the Planning Commission if <br />judged to be substantial. <br /> <br />13. The applicant shall obtain PG&E's permission to replace the existing fence along the <br />common side property line between the BMX park and the PG&E substation. <br /> <br />14. Alcohol shall not be allowed within the BMX park. <br /> <br />15. The applicant shall instruct (and enforce) BMX patrons to keep car and portable radios at <br />low levels when on BMX park property. <br /> <br />16. The applicant shall maintain the area surrounding the BMX park in a clean and orderly <br />marmer at all times. <br /> <br />17. The portable toilets shall be emptied on a regular basis as necessary to prevent odor. <br /> <br />18. If the BMX park is constructed in the spring, the applicant shall conduct a heron and <br />raptor nest survey on and near the project site prior to any grading or construction activity <br />at the site. Said survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist and shall be submitted <br />to the Plarming Director. If it is determined that heron or raptor nesting is occurring <br />during the time frame of the proposed grading or construction activities, then <br />improvements in the vicinity of the nest should be coordinated with representatives of the <br /> <br />2 <br />