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<br />46. All electric power distribution, gas distribution, communication service, cable television, <br />and any required alarm systems shall be installed underground in ajoint utility trench <br />unless otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />47. The project developer shall be responsible for the installation ofthe street lighting system <br />serving the development. The streetlights shall be a cut-off style fixture mounted to an <br />anodized aluminum pole with a poured-in-place base. Approval for the number, location, <br />and type of electroliers shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. <br /> <br />48. The project developer shall submit detailed landscape and irrigation plans as part of the <br />improvement plans. These plans shall include, where applicable, a street tree planting <br />plan and landscape plans for medians, buffer strips, and any right-of-way landscape <br />areas. The irrigation plan shall provide for automatic controls. <br /> <br />49. Any damage to existing street improvements during construction on the subject property <br />shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to the project <br />developer. This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or street reconstruction if deemed <br />warranted by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />50. The project developer's contractor(s) shall obtain an encroachment permit from the City <br />Engineer prior to moving any construction equipment onto the site. <br /> <br />51. The project developer shall install the street trees for each lot shown on the landscape <br />plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer. <br /> <br />52. The following typical street section for the access driveways for Lots 1 and 2, Lots 6, 7 <br />and possibly 5 and 8 and for Lots 12, 13 and 14 shall be revised as follows: <br /> <br />The roadways shall have a driveway type opening to Beratlis Place. The water <br />and sewer mains within the driveway shall be public and maintained by the City. <br />The street and storm drain shall be private and maintained by the individual <br />property owners through a maintenance agreement or by a maintenance <br />association as determined by the City Engineer and Planning Director. The <br />easements and maintenance agreement shall be approved by the City Attorney <br />and recorded concurrently with the final subdivision map. The roadways shall be <br />posted for no parking. The asphalt berm on the downhill side of the roadway <br />shall be replaced with City Standard curb and gutter. <br /> <br />This change shall be shown on the final improvement plans to the satisfaction ofthe City <br />Engineer before City approval of the final subdivision map. <br /> <br />53. Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, the public sanitary sewer shall end at <br />edge of pavement on Lot 6 and at the manhole between Lots 14 and 15. The lots beyond <br />these points shall be served from individual laterals stubbed from the public manhole in <br />the roads. This change shall be shown on the final improvement plans to the satisfaction <br />of the City Engineer before City approval of the final subdivision map. <br /> <br />6 <br />