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._ b. PCUP-125. Janice Clark/STEPS Community Pren School <br />Application for conditional use permit approval to operate an after-school <br />private tutorial facility in an existing building located at 4625 First Street, <br />Suite 255. Zoning for the property is PUD-C-O (Planned Unit Development <br />- Commercial-Office) District and Downtown Revitalization District. <br />Mr. Iserson presented the staff report, briefly describing the application for a tutorial <br />facility for middle and high school students. He stated that there is sufficient parking <br />available on the site and that the use is compatible with the surrounding uses. He <br />indicated that no concerns were received from that neighbors and that the applicant <br />agreed with the conditions of approval, including compliance with appropriate Building <br />Code requirements. Mr. Iserson recommended that the Commission make the required <br />conditional use findings listed in the staff report and approve the use permit, subject to <br />the conditions of approval of the staff report. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Michael O'Callaghan, 125 West Neal Street, requested the Planning Commission to <br />reject the conditional use permit because he believes the project does not require a <br />conditional use permit. He stated that a tutorial facility is not a school but an office use <br />and that the City should not be regulating the hours of an office use. He added that the <br />process is anover-regulation of small businesses and is a detriment to the business <br />community. <br />Commissioner Fox agreed with Mr. O'Callaghan that one-on-one tutoring is not a school <br />and expressed concern regarding the over-regulation of small businesses. <br />Janice Clark, applicant, 4625 First Street, Suite 255, stated that she appreciated <br />Mr. O'Callaghan's interest; she indicated, however, that she has just come out of the <br />Pleasanton public school system as an administrator and understands all that is involved <br />with dealing with students and teachers. She thanked staff and the Planning Commission <br />for helping her new business get through the existing process. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Arkin stated that he agreed with Mr. O'Callaghan's statement but noted <br />that this is not the time to discuss this issue because the conditional use permit process is <br />the existing process. <br />Commissioner Arkin moved to make the required conditional use findings as listed <br />in the staff report and to approve Case PCUP-125, subject to the conditions of the <br />staff report as listed in Exhibit B. <br />Commissioner Fox seconded the motion. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 28, 2004 Page I 1 of 19 <br />