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- Commissioner Maas moved to deny the appeal, make the endings for aseven-foot <br />tall fence, and approve PADR-909 as conditioned in the staff report and subject to <br />the conditions listed in Exhibit B. <br />Commissioner Arkin seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Arkin noted that his preference was to approve asix-foot high fence and <br />added that he did not approve of the deceptive practices displayed in this case. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Mr. Iserson replied that building a <br />seven-foot tall fence on the original grade would be a cleaner solution. Because <br />Mr. D'Arcy installed the wall, he believed that either option would be acceptable, as long <br />as the fence height did not exceed seven feet. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Arkin, Fox, Maas, Roberts, and Sullivan <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Kameny. <br />Resolution No. PC-2004-16 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />--_. The Planning Commission recessed for a break at 7:47 p.m. <br />Chairperson Roberts reconvened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. <br />d. PSDR-178, City of Pleasanton <br />Application for sign design review approval for the installation of City entryway <br />signs located in the medians at various locations on City thoroughfares. <br />Mr. Iserson summarized the staff report. He advised that this program was originally <br />established through the Fiscal Year 2000 CIP, whereby it was decided to construct <br />monument signs that would function as entry signs to the City at various locations. He <br />noted that a Request for Proposals (RFP) was approved by the City Council in <br />November 2002. Since then, the City had worked with a contractor for the design of the <br />signs. Mr. Iserson described the design and dimensions of the sign and noted that there <br />were nine proposed locations in the City. He noted that the Assistant Traffic Engineer <br />and the Public Works Director assisted in identifying the possible sites for the signs and <br />that they had considered sight distance and vehiculaz safety. Staff recommended <br />approval of this item. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox, Mr. Iserson stated that he did not have <br />details with respect to the placement of the signs in each location. He noted that it was <br />staff's intention to ensure attractive, functional, and distinctive signs at the City's key <br />entry roadways. He added that anti-graffiti sealant would be applied to the signs. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 8 of 19 <br />