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- Commissioner Maas moved to find that there are no new or changed circumstances <br />which require additional CEQA review of the project; to make the required vesting <br />tentative map findings; and to approve vesting tentative tract Map 7505, subject to <br />the conditions listed in Exhibit B. <br />Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Arkin, Fox, Maas, Roberts, and Sullivan <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Kameny. <br />Resolution No. PC-2004-14 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />b. PCUP-107/PDR-344. Michael Zucker & Associates/Hendrick Automotive <br />Groua <br />Application for conditional use permit and design review approvals to operate an <br />outdoor vehicle storage yazd for the property located at 3744 Old Santa Rita <br />Road. Zoning for the property is C-S (Service Commercial) District. <br />Mr. Iserson summarized the staff report and detailed the history and scope of the site. He <br />noted that the closest residential use was the Avalon Aparhnents, approximately 400 feet <br />away on the other side of Old Santa Rita Road. He advised that from a design point of <br />view, the project would involve the following: <br />1. Installing aneight-foot high chain link fence ten feet from the front <br />property line along Old Santa Rita Road, including landscaping; <br />2. A sidewalk would be provided along the Old Santa Rita Road frontage; <br />3. Lighting would be installed along the parking azea of the storage yard; <br />4. A bioswale would be provided on-site to handle stormwater runoff; <br />5. The lot would be paved; <br />6. A drainage system would be installed, including the bioswale; and <br />7. A small shed would house electrical panels. <br />Mr. Iserson noted that only minor gading would be required and that the area was <br />commonly used for service and outdoor storage uses. He noted that this particular use <br />had been in place for a number of years without complaint. Staff believed this project <br />would improve the site considerably with the addition of landscaping, new fencing, <br />paving, and improved drainage. Staff included a condition of approval that if there were <br />any complaints of noise or disturbances, the use maybe brought back to staff or the <br />Commission to mitigate those issues. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that as many as 80 or 90 vehicles maybe stored on the site, but the <br />site plan showed adequate access and circulation to allow that to occur safely. Staff <br />^ believed the use would be an improvement to the site and recommended approval of this <br />item. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Febnxazy 25, 2004 Page 4 of 19 <br />