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In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Arkin, Mr. Bocian noted that the <br />$4.55 million reflected a projected reserve that the City will have at that time with respect <br />to Item E (Civic Center). The cost of the project will be significantly more. He noted <br />that the Civic Center Master Plan would be brought before the Commission within the <br />next few months. <br />Commissioner Arkin noted that he was not enthusiastic about spending that much money <br />on the Civic Center and would rather see it go to the Bernal Property infrastructure. <br />Commissioner Sullivan advised that Subcommittee #2 of the Energy Committee has been <br />discussing a City solar power project on a City facility. Several preliminary sites had <br />been examined, as described in the document he distributed to the Commissioners. He <br />noted that the Subcommittee had not yet made a recommendation, and he wished to <br />approach the Planning Commission with that idea. He noted that after State rebates, the <br />cost of a typica150KW system would be approximately $175,000. He added that there <br />were also State programs and low-interest loans that maybe available to pay for it as <br />well. He suggested that the Planning Commission recommend the allocation of $200,000 <br />to cover the capital cost of this project. He noted that if the program were to be <br />structured correctly, it may become a positive cash flow for the City. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, Mr. Bocian confirmed that this item <br />_. would go to City Council in June. <br />Commissioner Sullivan moved to recommend including $200,000 iu the CIP budget <br />towards an approximately SOKW City solar power project. The project would <br />return to the Energy Committee for its recommendation and ultimately brought <br />before the City Council. <br />Commissioner Arkin seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Arkin, Fox, Maas, Roberts, and Sullivan <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Kameny. <br />The motion carried. <br />Commissioner Arkin moved to recommend adding an indoor swimming pool to the <br />CIP as an unfunded project. <br />Commissioner Fox seconded the motion. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Mr. Bocian replied that this item would <br />_ not necessarily be placed on the CIP unfunded list, but that it would be forwazded to City <br />Council as a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Commissioner Maas <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 25, 2004 Page 12 of 19 <br />