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7. Whether the proposed development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD Dis- <br /> trict: <br /> <br />The proposed PUD development plan sets forth the parameters for this development <br />in a manner consistent with the North Sycamore Specific Plan, and through the condi- <br />tioning of the subject PUD development plan, the proposed project will substantially <br />conform to the requirements of the Specific Plan. <br /> <br />Staff, therefore, believes that this finding can be made. <br /> <br />VII. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> <br />Environmental review for the proposed project was undertaken with the Final Environmental <br />Impact Report (EIR) approved by the City Council for the North Sycamore Specific Plan in con- <br />formance with the standards of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There are no <br />substantial changes to the project or to the circumstances under which the project is being under- <br />taken that involve new significant environmental effects or that substantially increase the sever- <br />ity of previously identified effects. Furthermore, there is no new information of substantial im- <br />portance, which was unknown at the time that the FEIR was approved by the City Council re- <br />garding the project or its effects, mitigation measures, or alternatives. Any previously identified <br />effects or impacts are mitigated to a level of insignificance, with the mitigation measures incor- <br />porated into the project's design or imposed on the project pursuant to the conditions of ap- <br />proval. Therefore, no new environmental document accompanies this staff report. <br /> <br />VIII. CONCLUSION <br /> <br />Staff believes that the proposed project is very well designed and in keeping with the themes, <br />policies, and requirements of the North Sycamore Specific Plan. Staff believes that the pro- <br />posed project is designed in a manner that is compatible with and sensitive to the restrictions <br />posed by the site and by surrounding properties. The proposal meets the letter and/or the spirit <br />of the applicable requirements of the Specific Plan; it would include comprehensive design <br />guidelines; it would permit the construction of a public sidewalk linking neighborhoods together <br />and to Sycamore Creek park; and it would implement Green Building Measures. Staff, there- <br />fore, believes that the proposed development merits a favorable recommendation from the Plan- <br />ning Commission. <br /> <br />IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> <br />Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward Case PUD-42 and PGPA-10 to the City <br />Council with a recommendation of approval by taking the follo~ving actions: <br /> <br />Make the determination as to whether the pedestrian sidewalk should be deleted/not de- <br />leted form the PUD development plan for this site; <br /> <br />Item 6. a., PUD-42 and PSP-08 Page 17 of 18 February 9, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />