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would be approximately seven feet higher than the building pad elcvation of the Ferreiras' prop- <br />erty. <br /> <br />The applicants would install bioswales on the southerly property lines of Parcels Three and <br />Four. The bioswales would drain to a concrete "V'-ditch located along the west side of Parcels <br />Two through Four, which would then drain into Sycamore Creek. The "V"-ditch was requested <br />by Tom and Mary Greene to stabilize the proposed project grades at their property. Because the <br />"V"-ditch would drain into Sycamore Creek, the applicants would be required to obtain all nec- <br />essary permits from the California Department of Fish and Game, Regional Water Quality Con- <br />trol Board, etc. <br /> <br />V. PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> <br />Notices of the Planning Commission's public hearing on this item were sent to the home owners <br />located within 1,000-feet of the subject property and living on San Carlos Way, San Juan Way, <br />San Luis Court, and Sonoma Drive. Staff received letters or email communications from the <br />following neighbors: <br /> <br />Hossein and Mojgan Bozorgzad (6056 Sycamore Terrace) - As discussed in the staff re- <br />port, the Bozorgzads expressed concerns regarding possible impacts to their personal pri- <br />vacy from the proposed location of the public sidewalk connecting Sycamore Terrace to <br />San Carlos Way. They prefer deleting the sidewalk from the North Sycamore Specific <br />Plan and from the proposed project. The Bozorgzads also expressed concerns pertaining <br />to the building heights and setbacks on Parcels Two and Three. <br /> <br />Gail and Joel Olney (5855 San Juan Way) - The Olneys emailed staff twice expressing <br />their support for retaining the public sidewalk between San Juan Way and Sycamore Ter- <br />race. In their opinion, the sidewalk would connect neighborhoods thereby reducing vehi- <br />cle trips. They cited the previous neighborhoods surveys where the majority favoring the <br />sidewalk. <br /> <br />Jeff and Kristi May (5833 San Juan Way) - The Mays expressed their support for retain- <br />ing the sidewalk between San Carlos Way and Sycamore Terrace. They believe that the <br />homes on this development should be limited to a one story building height, that the gad- <br />ing for the proposed lots of this development should be as low as possible, that the pro- <br />posed lot adjoining the house on San Carlos Way should have an open fence, and that the <br />homes on these lots should be sited as close to their south property lines as feasible. <br /> <br />Jill and Tony Battilega (5836 San Juan Way) - The Battilegas expressed their support for <br />retaining the sidewalk between San Carlos Way and Sycamore Terrace. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />Larry and Suzan Dingman (387 Sycamore Road) - The Dingmans expressed their sup- <br />port for retaining the sidewalk between San Carlos Way and Sycamore Terrace. They <br /> <br />Item 6. a., PUD-42 and PSP-08 Page 13 of 18 February 9, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />