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<br /> <br />and August, which comply with the conditions of approval of the master plan. Mr. Iserson described <br />the physicallayout of the basketball courts adjacent to the fenceIine separating the church from the <br />townhomes. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The neighbors' concerns have to do with the noise and the damage to the fence resulting from the <br />use of the basketball courts. The Homeowners Association is requesting the hoops be either removed <br />or relocated. Staff also feels the location of the court is inappropriate because of its close proximity <br />to the townhomes. Further, the western hoop is located in the drive aisle and limits access to two <br />parking spaces. <br /> <br />Staff is recommending the basketball standards be relocated to the eastern portion of the parking lot, <br />furthermost from the townhomes, believing this will reduce the noise impacts and damage to the <br />property line fence. The church could install either a half court or a full court, however, the use of <br />a full court would require using portable standards. A half court could have a permanent basketball <br />standard. <br /> <br />The church is not agreeable to the relocation of the basketball standards, preferring to leave them <br />in their present position and installing lockable metal bars across the top of the basketball hoop, <br />precluding use of the court during unauthorized hours. <br /> <br />Staff recommends approval of the design review application, with the condition that the basketball <br />court be relocated to the eastern portion of the parking lot. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />. Paul Ulatoski, 4599 Lakewood Street, represented the church in this matter, noting the church's <br />concern of the unauthorized use of their parking lot. He advised the church has over 300 children <br />who use the hoops in various church activities. <br /> <br />Mr. Ulatoski noted that staff's recommendation for the relocation of the basketball courts is where <br />the new church building is proposed to be built. He would like to look at other options rather than <br />moving the basketball standards twice. The suggestion of using portable basketball standards is a <br />concern to Mr. Ulatoski, feeling they are a safety hazard because of their weight and difficulty in <br />moving. <br /> <br />The speaker asked whether the problems arise during the authorized church use of the basketball <br />courts or during unauthorized hours. The church has tried to mitigate the problems by designing <br />and installing metal bars across the top of the hoops. <br /> <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper inquired where the basketball courts would be located once the church <br />construction is completed. Mr. Ulatoski believes they would be located behind the new building <br />closer to Amador High School. Finalization of the church construction is hoped to be completed by <br />December, 1997. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Barker, Mr. UIatoski advised that their basketball plans for the <br />summer have been put on hold waiting for a resolution to this matter. He also noted that he has tried <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page S <br /> <br />June 12. 1996 <br />