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<br />. <br /> <br />met with the Committee and made a presentation. The West Las Positas Committee has a policy that <br />when traffic impacts are considered relative to a development proposal, it will not take a position or <br />make a recommendation as a committee but would instead review it and allow individual committee <br />members to state their opinions and recommendations to the Planning Commission and the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />With respect to the West Las Positas interchange and how development would affect it, the City <br />Council adopted an interim policy which urges new projects that contribute to more traffic to <br />participate in traffic mitigation measures which would include either the West Las Positas interchange <br />or other mitigations in lieu of that. Although the applicant has not proposed any specific mitigation <br />measures at this time, it has agreed to participate in whatever traffic mitigation measures the City <br />Council may approve if the West Las Positas interchange is not constructed. <br /> <br />One traffic mitigation tool suggested in this case would be to condition the Development Agreement, <br />if it is approved and if in the future, as a traffic mitigation for the West Las Positas interchange, the <br />City Council decides to freeze further development in the North Pleasanton area, that the project <br />would be put on an equal ground with other sites and projects in the North Pleasanton area that do <br />not have development agreements. Staff suggests such a condition rather than denying the <br />202,000-square foot increase. <br /> <br />Commissioner Cooper inquired how big Nordstrom is. He noted that the applicant is already vested <br />with 178,000 square feet for one more large anchor store. <br /> <br />Mr. Iserson replied that Nordstrom is between 150,000 and 200,000 square feet. The <br />178,000 square feet could be used for one more large anchor store, but the developer's intent is to <br />spread it around and allow the various anchors to expand. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />Ms. Cheryl Williams, Development Director for the Taubman Company based in Bloomfield, <br />Michigan, representing Stoneridge Regional Shopping Center, stated that Stoneridge Mall is an <br />important part of the City of Pleasanton, contributing over $3 million in sales tax revenues to the <br />City. She explained that the request for additional expansion will help the mall to remain competitive <br />and be successful, thereby continuing to contribute to the City. This would also eliminate the <br />opportunity for a department store at Stoneridge to move to another shopping center if it should need <br />to expand and not be able to do that in Stoneridge. <br /> <br />She added that traffic is as much a concern to them as it is to the citizens because if the customers <br />cannot get in and park and exit easily, they would be less likely to shop here. She reiterated that <br />Stoneridge is committed to funding alternative mitigation in lieu of the West Las Positas interchange, <br />as determined by the City Council, even if the interchange would improve traffic conditions around <br />the shopping center. <br /> <br />She concluded that in a spirit of cooperation, Taubman is prepared to accept the additional conditions <br />that staff has recommended in the report even though the City's ability to freeze the expansion clouds <br />the certainty of long-term planning for department stores. With Taubman's acceptance of these <br />conditions, it is now in full compliance with the guidelines established by the Council on new <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minntes <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />July 13, 1997 <br />