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Docusign Envelope ID: 06FEEA0D-4CA2-41B7-B308-52AA86026DE1 <br />Resolution No. PC-2024-19 <br />Page Three <br />Section 3: Findings for Design Review Approval <br />The Planning Commission finds that the project was reviewed and approved based on the nine <br />criteria as required by Section 18 .20.030 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code which include the <br />following: <br />1. Preservation of the natural beauty of the City and the project site's relationship to it; <br />2. Appropriate relationship of the proposed building to its site , including transition with <br />the streetscape, public view of the buildings, and scale of the buildings within its site <br />and adjoining buildings; <br />3. Appropriate relationship of the proposed building and its site to adjoining areas, <br />including compatibility of architectural styles, harmony in adjoining buildings, <br />attractive landscape transitions, and consistency with neighborhood character; <br />4. Preservation of views enjoyed by residents , workers within the city, and passersby <br />through the community; <br />5. Landscaping designed to enhance architectural features, strengthen vistas, provide <br />shade , and confo rm to established streetscape; <br />6. Relationship of exterior lighting to its surroundings and to the building and adjoining <br />landscape; <br />7 . Architectural style, as a function of its quality of design and relationship to its <br />surroundings; the relationship of building components to one another/the building's <br />colors and materials ; and the design attention given to mechanical equipment or <br />other utility hardware on roof, ground or buildings ; <br />8. Integration of signs as part of the architectural concept; and <br />9. Architectural concept of miscellaneous structures, street furniture, public art in <br />relationship to the site and landscape . <br />The project includes the repurposing of an existing approximately 2,479-square-foot former <br />KFC drive-through restaurant building and operation of a drive-through coffee restaurant. No <br />site changes are proposed . Minor exterior changes to the existing building, comprising <br />changing the existing roof and cornice from white to yellow (corporate colors), are proposed. <br />New wall-mounted signage, comprising four illuminated wall signs (one on each building <br />elevation) identifying the business name and drive-through , as well as minor drive-through <br />directional site signage, are proposed . The Planning Commission finds the proposed bui lding <br />modifications are minor in nature and will not adversely affect the visual aesthetic of the project <br />site or surrounding area ; thus , the Planning Commission concludes that all of the required <br />Design Criteria can be made to approve the proposed project. <br />Section 4: <br />The Planning Commission hereby approves Case Nos. P24-0670 , -0671, and -0672, the <br />application of Patti Nelson , representing Philz Coffee for CUP , DR, and SOR approval to <br />operate a drive-through coffee restaurant located at 1803 Santa Rita Road, subject to the <br />Conditions of Approval shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated here in by <br />reference. <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 06FEEA0D-4CA2-41B7-B308-52AA86026DE1