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City Council Regular Meeting Agenda packet 1-9-25
City of Pleasanton
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City Council Regular Meeting Agenda packet 1-9-25
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Ordinance No. 2289 <br /> <br />development which the city's transportation system must accommodate upon build- <br />out under the general plan. <br />B. Annual Adjustment of the Rate. The transportation development fee rate shall be subject to <br />an annual inflation adjustment on January 1st of each year based upon the Engineering News <br />Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco—Bay Area. <br />(Ord. 1765 § 2, 1998; Ord. 2192 § 2, 2019) <br /> <br />§ 3.26.050. Amount of fee. <br />A. The amount of the transportation development fee shall be determined by the building <br />division or planning division prior to issuance of the building permit or other entitlement or <br />approval for development if a building permit is not required, based on the land use categories <br />identified in section 3.26.020, multiplied by the gross square footage or number of <br />residential units as specified in the master fee schedule and the corresponding rate set forth <br />in the master fee schedule. If the development does not fit within the land use categories <br />identified in 3.26.020 or the land use has a trip rate that is significantly different than any of <br />the land use categories, the “other” land use category shall be used. The fee shall be <br />calculated by multiplying the number of PM trips generated by the development by the trip <br />rate established in 3.26.040(A) <br />1. If a developer is not satisfied with the calculation of the fee by the building division or <br />planning division, he or she may request that the traffic engineer review the peak hour <br />trips generated and/or community development director review the gross square <br />footage and land use category to determine the fee in accordance with this chapter. The <br />traffic engineer and/or community development director shall calculate the fee within <br />30 days of the submission of a written request for review, and receipt of all materials <br />necessary to determine the amount of the fee. <br />2. Because the fee for commercial uses has been established based upon an average for <br />several types of commercial uses, the developer may only petition for a review of the <br />commercial transportation development fee to be charged to its development based <br />upon a peak hour trip rate which is substantially different from that established by the <br />city's traffic engineer pursuant to Section 3.26.020 of this chapter. Such application shall <br />include a traffic study contracted by the city, and paid for by the developer, or such <br />other reports and analyses in lieu thereof as the city traffic engineer determines are <br />sufficient to establish the peak hour trip rate applicable to the development. The <br />developer may also submit additional information which the city traffic engineer shall <br />consider insofar as he or she determines it to be relevant in establishing the peak hour <br />trip rate applicable to the development, including, but not limited to, information <br />contained in the trip generation manual adopted by the Institute of Transportation <br />Engineers. The city traffic engineer, based upon his or her review and consideration of <br />the information provided in the foregoing studies, reports, or analyses, and such other <br />information as he or she may deem relevant, may approve a peak hour trip rate for the <br />development which is different than that set forth in Section 3.26.020 of this chapter. <br />B. For development consisting of an addition, extension, or enlargement of an existing structure, <br />the transportation development fee shall be paid only on any additional dwelling units or <br />additional gross floor area resulting from such addition, extension, or enlargement. <br />C. For development consisting of a conversion or change in use of an existing structure which <br />increases the peak hour trip rate otherwise applicable to such existing structure, the <br />Page 34 of 638
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