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Ordinance No. 2289 <br /> <br />procedure set forth in this section and shall be established and adjusted by resolution of the city <br />council and set forth in the master fee schedule (on file in the office of the city clerk) as follows: <br />A. Establishment of the Rate. The city council shall establish the rate of the transportation <br />development fee by dividing the net transportation improvement costs attributable to new <br />growth by the total additional peak hour trips generated by future growth. The city council <br />may review and make adjustments to the net transportation improvement costs and peak hour <br />trips as necessary. The net transportation improvements and total peak hour trips shall be <br />determined as follows: <br />1. Net Transportation Improvement Costs. <br />a. The city council shall determine the transportation improvements which are <br />necessary to implement the circulation element of the general plan and reduce the <br />adverse impacts caused by the increased traffic volume generated by future growth. <br />For purposes of determining the amount of the net transportation improvement <br />costs, the city council shall not include the cost of transportation improvements <br />required directly of development pursuant to Titles 18, 19, and 20 of this code. <br />Such direct development requirements, improvements, and dedications in addition <br />to or in lieu thereof, shall continue to be imposed in accordance with Titles 18, 19 <br />and 20 of this code, as appropriate, in addition to the transportation development <br />fees imposed pursuant to this chapter. <br />b. The city council shall make a reasonable estimate of the total costs necessary to <br />construct, renovate, or provide the transportation improvements. <br />c. The city council shall estimate the current and anticipated funding available to <br />satisfy the costs of constructing and implementing the transportation <br />improvements. In determining the amount of funding available, the city council <br />shall include funding from other governmental entities to the extent the receipt by <br />the city of such funding is reasonable, and city revenues appropriated for <br />construction or implementation or transportation improvements, if any. <br />d. The city council shall attribute the need for the transportation improvements <br />between new development and existing development. <br />e. The city council shall determine the difference, if any, between the estimated costs <br />of the construction and implementation of the transportation improvements and the <br />estimated funding available therefor. The extent to which the cost of such <br />construction and implementation exceeds the funds available, or expected to be <br />available, therefor shall be the "net transportation improvement costs." <br />2. Total Peak Hour Trips. <br />a. The total gross square footage or dwelling unit count, as the case may be, of <br />potential new development within each land use category as projected to occur <br />during the period of build-out under the general plan shall be multiplied by the <br />peak hour rate for each land use category established pursuant to Section 3.26.020 <br />of this chapter. <br />b. The peak hour trips generated by potential new development within each land use <br />category as determined pursuant to subsection (A)(2)(a) of this section shall be <br />added together to determine the total additional peak hour trips created by new <br />Page 33 of 638