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ORDINANCE NO. 2287 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON APPROVING <br /> AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTERS 17.40 (AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEE), 17.44 <br /> (INCLUSIONARY ZONING),AND 18.38(HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ZONE DISTRICT) OF THE <br /> PLEASANTON MUNICIPAL CODE, AS FILED UNDER CASE P24-0334 <br /> WHEREAS, on November 6, 1990, the City Council adopted Ordinance 1488, to establish <br /> Chapter 17.40 Lower-Income Housing Fee of the Pleasanton Municipal Code, which chapter was retitled <br /> in 2019 to Chapter 17.40 Affordable Housing Fee; and <br /> WHEREAS, on November 7, 2000, the City Council of the City of Pleasanton adopted Ordinance <br /> 1818, adding Chapter 17.44 Inclusionary Zoning to the Pleasanton Municipal Code, in order to enhance <br /> the City's ability to mitigate the effect of new market-rate development on the demand for affordable <br /> housing; and <br /> WHEREAS, in 2017, AB 1505 amended California Government Code Section 65850 and added <br /> Section 65850.1, to "reaffirm the authority of local jurisdictions to include within these inclusionary <br /> housing ordinances requirements related to the provision of rental units" and "does not modify or in any <br /> way change or affect the authority of local jurisdictions to require, as a condition of the development of <br /> residential units, that the development include a certain percentage of residential for-sale units affordable <br /> to, and occupied by, households with incomes that do not exceed the limits for moderate-income, lower- <br /> income, very-low income, or extremely-low income households;" and <br /> WHEREAS, on December 19, 2023, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2272 to create Chapter <br /> 18.38 Housing Opportunity Zone District of the Pleasanton Municipal Code, with this chapter reflecting <br /> similar standards to those in the Objective Design Standards for Housing Element Sites; and <br /> WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 65580(d) states that all cities have a <br /> responsibility to use the powers vested in them to facilitate the improvement and development of housing <br /> to make adequate provision for the housing needs of all economic segments of the community; and <br /> WHEREAS, Program 2.1 of the 2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element calls for the City to <br /> continue to implement the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, and actively pursue strategies to improve its <br /> effectiveness in producing affordable housing in conjunction with new development, including study of <br /> potential changes to the proportion of inclusionary units required in multi-family developments, <br /> identification of a target mix of affordable units and unit size standards, and monitoring the effectiveness <br /> of the ordinance in delivering affordable units, with modifications to be evaluated to better achieve that <br /> goal; and <br /> WHEREAS, since its adoption, the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance has resulted in the production <br /> of hundreds of below-market-rate housing units in Pleasanton and contributed a valuable source of <br /> funding to support the production of affordable housing and programs that preserve access to and <br /> support affordable housing for Pleasanton households; and <br /> WHEREAS, in January 2024, the City retained professional services firm Economic and Planning <br /> Systems (EPS) to provide analysis and recommendations with respect to modification to the inclusionary <br /> rate and target affordability limits, and in particular to evaluate the feasibility of such changes with respect <br /> to the overall production of market-rate residential units; and <br />