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<br />CGL E2227 CW (03/23) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., <br />with its permission. <br /> <br />A. a governing body has not attributed any such <br />action to a “state”, or any person, group, as- <br />sociation, or entity acting on the “state’s”, be- <br />half; and <br />B. there is at least one “media report” or a cy- <br />bersecurity forensic film report indicating that <br />such action is attributed to a “state” or any <br />person, group, association, or entity acting on <br />the “state’s” behalf, <br />then we will not pay any damages for “bodily in- <br />jury”, “property damage”, or “personal and adver- <br />tising injury” resulting from any actions listed in <br />parts a. through c. above until any governing <br />body attributes such action to a “state” or any per- <br />son, group, association, or entity acting on the <br />“state’s” behalf. <br />If a governing body does not attribute such action <br />to a “state” or any person, group, association, or <br />entity acting on the “state’s” behalf, or declares it <br />is unable to do so, then a “media report” or cyber- <br />security forensic firm report will be conclusive ev- <br />idence that the act was committed by, or on be- <br />half of, a “state”. <br />For purposes of this definition, “media report” <br />means an article published by the Associated <br />Press, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, or the British <br />Broadcasting Corporation. <br />For purposes of this definition, “state” means a <br />sovereign state, state-like entity, quasi-state, <br />proto-state, or a state sponsored actor or group. <br />2. “NCBR malicious act” means an act or series of <br />acts that harms another person or damages prop- <br />erty through the physical release or dispersal of <br />“nuclear, chemical, biological, or radiological <br />agents or materials”, which is carried out by any <br />person or group of persons, whether acting alone, <br />on behalf of, or in connection with any organiza- <br />tion. <br />3. “Nuclear, chemical, biological, or radiological <br />agents or materials” means: <br />a. nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioac- <br />tive particles, whether released or dispersed <br />by nuclear or conventional devices; <br />b. any chemical compound; or <br />c. any pathogen, <br />in sufficient concentration to cause harm to peo- <br />ple or damage to property. <br /> <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1B65D8BB-306F-4CEA-97D4-8D9BBCF94581