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Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />CGL E2227 CW (03/23) Page 1of2 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., <br />with its permission. <br />AMENDED WAR EXCLUSION <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />A. Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Section I –COV- <br />ERAGE A –BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY <br />DAMAGE LIABILITY, the exclusion of “War” is de- <br />leted in its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />i. War, Civil War, Cyberwarfare, and NCBR <br />“Bodily injury” or “property damage” based upon or <br />arising out of, directly or indirectly occasioned by, <br />happening through or in consequence of: <br />1.war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities <br />(whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebel- <br />lion, revolution, insurrection, military, or usurped <br />power; <br />2.confiscation, nationalization, requisition, de- <br />struction of, or damage to property by or under <br />the order of any government, public, or local au- <br />thority; <br />3.“cyberwarfare”, to the extent not otherwise ex- <br />cluded by paragraph 1; or <br />4.any “NCBR malicious act”. <br />This will not apply to damage by fire to premises <br />while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you <br />with the owner’s permission. Any payments we <br />make for “property damage” to such premises will <br />be subject to the Damage to Premises Limit. <br />B. Paragraph 2. Exclusions under Section I –COV- <br />ERAGE B –PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING IN- <br />JURY LIABILITY, the exclusion of “War” is deleted in <br />its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />o. War, Civil War, Cyberwarfare, and NCBR <br />“Personal and advertising injury”, based upon or <br />arising out of, directly or indirectly occasioned by, <br />happening through or in consequence of <br />1.war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities <br />(whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebel- <br />lion, revolution, insurrection, military, or usurped <br />power; <br />2.confiscation, nationalization, requisition, de- <br />struction of, or damage to property by or under <br />the order of any government, public, or local au- <br />thority; <br />3.“cyberwarfare”, to the extent not otherwise ex- <br />cluded by paragraph 1; or <br />4.any “NCBR malicious act”. <br />C.InSection V –DEFINITIONS, the following defini- <br />tions are added for purposes of this endorsement: <br />1.“Cyberwarfare” means any: <br />a.unauthorized access to, or use, alteration, cor- <br />ruption, damage, manipulation, misappropria- <br />tion, theft, deletion, or destruction of, any com- <br />puter hardware or electronic data; <br />b.creation, transmission, or introduction into a <br />computer system, computer network, or elec- <br />tronic data of a computer virus or harmful <br />code; or <br />c.restriction or inhibition of access to a computer <br />system, computer network, or electronic data, <br />including through a denial-of-service (DoS) at- <br />tack, <br />committed by, or on behalf of, a “state”. <br />In determining by whom any action listed in parts <br />a. through c. above is committed we will consider <br />to whom any governing body (including the gov- <br />erning body’s intelligence, law enforcement, or <br />military services) attributes such action, regard- <br />less of whether: <br />i.the computer system, computer network, or <br />electronic data is physically located within the <br />jurisdiction of that governing body; or <br />ii.there are inconsistent statements within differ- <br />ent branches or agencies of that governing <br />body (including intelligence, law enforcement, <br />or military services) as to whom the action is <br />attributable to. <br />However, if: <br />Chaplin And Hill Investigative Services, LLC <br />HSX2GL107051-01 <br />Nov 5 2024 <br />Named Insured : <br />Policy Number : <br />Endorsement Effective : <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1B65D8BB-306F-4CEA-97D4-8D9BBCF94581