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P21-1173, PUD-146 and Tract 8631: 475 & 493 St. John Street Planning Commission <br />7 of 32 <br />Site Design and Development <br />Figures 5 and 6 provide an overall view of the site plan and vesting tentative map layout for the <br />proposed project. The designation of lots and parcels are as follows: Lots 1-14 to each <br />single-family home, Lot 15 to the commercial development, Parcel A to the existing home, <br />Parcel B to the new private hammerhead street, Parcel C (located behind lots 8-14) will remain <br />undevelopable and permanent open space maintained by the new residential subdivision’s <br />association, and Parcel D (between Lots 11 and 12) is an access easement to Parcel C. The <br />existing home (Parcel A) and commercial buildings and plaza (Lot 15) are situated to face St. <br />John Street and the 14 new single-family homes will be located behind (north) the existing <br />home (Parcel A) and parking lot of the commercial buildings on the commercial lot (Lot 15). <br /> <br />The applicant is proposing a PUD development plan which establishes as-built development <br />standards, meaning future development (i.e., additions) and/or accessory structures would not <br />be permitted for Lots 1-14 as the setbacks, lot size, floor area ratio, and height would remain <br />as-built. The Barone’s property (Parcel A) would be subject to the development stand ards of <br />the R-1-10,000 Zoning District and Lot 15 would be subject to the Mixed -Use-Downtown <br />Zoning District of the Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC). No development would be allowed on <br />or within the open space area and access easement (Parcels C and D). <br /> <br />Residential. As noted, the existing single-family residence would be maintained and <br />expanded. The approximately 1,360 square foot addition to the north of the home will include a <br />two-car garage and storage area on the ground floor and an attic/storage space on the second <br />floor. A new private driveway to the new garage will be provided on the west s ide of the new <br />private street. No other modifications are proposed to the existing home. <br /> <br />Lots 1 through 14 would be developed with detached two-and-a-half-story, single-family <br />homes2. The lots range in size from approximately 2,173 to 3,290 square feet in area. The <br />single-family homes range in size from approximately 3,316 to 3,783 square feet in area and <br />approximately 28 feet 5 inches to 30 feet 4 inches in height3. <br /> <br />Details of the plan type square-footages, building heights, and floor plans of designation <br />spaces are provided in Exhibit B. <br /> <br />Commercial. Lot 15 would be developed with two, single-story commercial buildings. Building <br />A is approximately 1,300 square feet in area and approximately 19 feet in height and Building <br />B is approximately 1,825 square feet in area and approximately 21 feet in height (measured <br />from finished grade to the top of the parapets). An approximately 1,568-square-foot plaza with <br />seating and a decorative iron entry archway will separate the two commercial buildings, and a <br />13-stall commercial parking lot will be constructed to the north (rear) of the commercial <br />buildings. An approximately 139-square-foot restroom and approximately 211-square-foot <br />commercial trash enclosure will be constructed between the parking lot and Building B. Details <br />of commercial square-footages, building heights, and open floor plans are provided in Exhibit <br />B. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2 The wall-to-wall separation between the new homes is one foot. <br />3 Height is measured from average grade covered by the structure to the mean height between the roof ridge and eave.