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P21-1173, PUD-146 and Tract 8631: 475 & 493 St. John Street Planning Commission <br />6 of 32 <br />Figure 3: Street View, 475 St. John Street, Barone’s Restaurant <br /> <br /> <br />Figure 4: Street View, 493 St. John Street, Barone Residence <br /> <br /> <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The applicant proposes to rezone the approximately 2.3-acre project site from C-C (Central- <br />Commercial) to PUD-MU (Planned Unit Development-Mixed-Use) District. <br /> <br />The project would retain the two-story single-family home and construct an approximately <br />1,360-square-foot two-story addition to the north side of the home, demolish all remaining <br />structures and site modifications, and construct: 1) 14 detached two-and-a-half-story single- <br />family homes, 3) two, single-story commercial buildings totaling approximately 3,125 square <br />feet in area combined, an approximately 1,568-square-foot commercial plaza, new private <br />street, a 13-car commercial parking lot, and related site improvements; and 2) subdivide the <br />approximately 2.3 acres into 15 single-family lots, one commercial lot, and three private <br />common space parcels. <br /> <br /> <br />