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<br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />public hearing, as to whether those mitigation measures will be undertaken. To this end, the <br />Modified IS Checklist for the proposed project will include 2023-2031 Housing Element Update <br />EIR mitigation measures applicable to the project’s significant environmental effects. <br /> <br />Raney anticipates that the key issue areas, which may require a more in-depth discussion in the IS, <br />may include but not be limited to, air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, noise, and <br />transportation. Raney will utilize technical reports prepared by the applicant team, existing <br />information for the project site including, but not limited to, the City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 <br />Housing Element Update and associated EIR, as well as other environmental documents prepared <br />for projects in the area, as applicable. Raney intends to work closely with the City of Pleasanton <br />throughout the development and processing of the Modified IS Checklist. Raney will remain <br />objective and rely on the City as the lead agency to make the ultimate determination on the <br />conclusions and mitigation measures. The expectation of Raney is that we will serve as <br />environmental consultants to the City, and will make ourselves available to assist the City to <br />facilitate the process. <br /> <br />Technical Reports Provided by the Applicant Team <br />Raney understands the following technical reports have been provided by the applicant team for <br />use in the CEQA analysis: <br /> <br />• Archaeological Resource Management Report (April 2024) prepared by Archaeological <br />Resource Service; and <br />• Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) (June 2024) prepared by ENGEO. <br /> <br />In addition, Raney understands the following technical reports will be prepared by the applicant <br />team and anticipates receiving the technical reports for use in the CEQA analysis: <br /> <br />• Air Quality Analysis; <br />• Biological Resource Analysis; <br />• Geotechnical Report; and <br />• Exterior Noise and Exterior Façade Acoustical Analysis. <br /> <br />Raney understands that the applicant team is working with the City’s Traffic Division to prepare <br />a Traffic Study, which is anticipated to be available for use in the CEQA analysis. Raney <br />anticipates that the Traffic Study would evaluate whether the project would screen out from <br />Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) impact analysis. If the project does not screen out from VMT <br />analysis, Raney anticipates the Traffic Study will include a quantitative VMT analysis with <br />recommend mitigation measures, if needed, to reduce VMT, pursuant to the 2023-2031 Housing <br />Element Update EIR Mitigation Measure TRANS-2. <br /> <br />Raney also assumes that a Preliminary Stormwater Control Plan, utilities information, and any <br />other relevant documents will be provided by the applicant team for use in the CEQA analysis. <br /> <br />Raney will internally review all applicant-provided technical reports to ensure all CEQA-related <br />issues are adequately and accurately addressed. If any of the applicant-provided technical reports <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 09BAAC01-CC65-497E-8E0E-465F9147B7C1Docusign Envelope ID: EFEF350E-42AA-4156-8084-8590989A320D