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<br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />should require revisions, Raney will coordinate with the City to have the reports revised <br />accordingly. <br /> <br />TECHNICAL SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The following is a summary of key tasks and deliverables for the Vineyard Avenue Residential <br />Project CEQA compliance. <br /> <br />Task 1 Project Initiation <br />The objective of this task is to participate in a kick-off meeting with City staff to review existing <br />documentation for the project and identify the key issues. Vice President, Nick Pappani, will serve <br />as the Project Director and Division Manager/Air Quality Specialist, Angela DaRosa, will serve <br />as the Project Manager. <br /> <br />Raney will complete the following: <br />• Participate in a kick-off meeting with City staff and applicant team, if necessary; <br />• Review existing documentation for the project and identify key issues; <br />• Establish communication protocols; and <br />• Refine the scope, if necessary, with any revisions for the City to approve. <br /> <br />Task 2 Peer Review of Applicant-Provided Technical Reports <br />The objective of this task is to conduct CEQA-level peer reviews of all provided technical reports <br />in order to determine if any revisions are necessary for purposes of ensuring their sufficiency for <br />use in the environmental analysis. If it is determined that revisions to the reports are necessary, <br />Raney would coordinate with the City to have the reports revised. If a technical peer review from <br />a third-party expert is deemed necessary, Raney would coordinate with the City and would propose <br />to sub-contract with a technical consultant to conduct the peer review. <br /> <br />Raney will complete the following: <br />• Conduct CEQA-level peer review of all provided technical reports; <br />• Prepare comments on technical reports, if necessary; and <br />• Coordinate with the City to have reports revised or technical peer review conducted, if <br />necessary. <br /> <br />Task 3 Prepare Administrative Draft Modified IS Checklist <br />The objective of this task is to prepare an Administrative Draft version of the Modified IS Checklist <br />for review by City staff. As previously discussed, the IS Checklist will be prepared using the City <br />of Pleasanton’s Section 15183 Consistency Checklist template and will address all the issues <br />identified in the environmental checklist, with the caveat that environmental effects previously <br />addressed as significant in the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update EIR will not require further <br />analysis. Rather, for these impacts, Raney will summarize the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update <br />EIR analysis and identify any 2023-2031 Housing Element Update EIR mitigation measures <br />applicable to the proposed project. As previously noted, the Modified IS Checklist will evaluate <br />environmental impacts associated with Site Plan 1 only. <br /> <br /> <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 99BECCF5-B739-4763-A2D8-10122FD4A4E4Docusign Envelope ID: F9A1471F-7DD3-4392-83DE-6F2CE7D125F4