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<br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />Raney will complete the following deliverables: <br />• One electronic copy of the Administrative Draft Modified IS Checklist to the City for <br />review. <br /> <br />Task 4 Prepare Screencheck Draft Modified IS Checklist, Final Modified IS <br />Checklist, and Notice of Exemption <br />The objective of this task is to review the findings of the Administrative Draft Modified IS <br />Checklist with the City. For purposes of this scope, it is assumed that the IS evaluation will confirm <br />that the conditions in Section 15183 will be met, such that the project’s environmental effects will <br />not require further CEQA review. Raney will revise the Administrative Draft Modified IS <br />Checklist based on any comments received from City staff and prepare a Screencheck Draft <br />Modified IS Checklist in track changes format. The City will then review the Screencheck Draft <br />Modified IS Checklist to provide any additional comments. Raney will revise the Screencheck <br />Draft Modified IS Checklist based on the comments received from City staff and prepare a Final <br />Modified IS Checklist. In addition, Raney will prepare the Notice of Exemption (NOE). <br /> <br />Raney will provide the following deliverables: <br />• Submit one electronic version in track changes format of the Screencheck Draft Modified <br />IS Checklist to the City that incorporates City comments; <br />• Revise the Screencheck Draft Modified IS Checklist, based on additional City comments; <br />• Submit one electronic version of the Final Modified IS Checklist to the City; and <br />• Prepare the NOE. <br /> <br />Task 5 Prepare Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />The objective of this task is to prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), <br />which will include all applicable mitigation measures included in the City of Pleasanton 2023- <br />2031 Housing Element Update EIR. Raney will incorporate existing monitoring mechanisms that <br />are in place in order to assist the City in meeting the intent of CEQA. The draft MMRP will be <br />prepared in table format to specify any mitigation measures, standards of success, parties <br />responsible for implementing and monitoring, and timing. <br /> <br />Raney will provide the following deliverables: <br />• Submit one electronic copy of the draft MMRP to the City for review; <br />• Revise the draft MMRP based on City comments; and <br />• Submit one electronic copy of the final MMRP to the City. <br /> <br />Task 6 Prepare and Submit Amended Modified IS Checklist <br />Should approval of the GPA by the City occur, the Final Modified IS Checklist (including MMRP) <br />will be amended to include environmental impacts associated with development of Site Plan 2. <br />Raney anticipates receiving updated technical reports for Site Plan 2, for use in the CEQA analysis, <br />including a Noise Study and Traffic Study. Raney will submit the Draft Amended Modified IS <br />Checklist to the City for review. Raney will revise the Draft Amended Modified IS Checklist, as <br />needed, based on comments received from the City and prepare the Final Amended Modified IS <br />Checklist. It should be noted that it is unknown at this time whether the City will be conducting <br />environmental review for the GPA. If such a document is prepared, Raney anticipates receiving <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 99BECCF5-B739-4763-A2D8-10122FD4A4E4Docusign Envelope ID: F9A1471F-7DD3-4392-83DE-6F2CE7D125F4