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Docusign Envelope ID : CA40CEF5-FCF4-4B9C-9DED-480ECB315666 <br />4. REQUESTS FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO BUDGET LINE ITEMS <br />Once the line item budget has been approved through the execution of this contract , there can be no more <br />than four (4) requests for adjustments to budget line item amounts during the Agreement period , including <br />any final adjustments done at the end of the program year , June 30 , 2025. <br />5. DEADLINE FOR EXPENDITURE OF HHSG FUNDS <br />All HHSG funds allocated to the agency by the City of Pleasanton must be expended by the end of the current <br />fiscal year , which is June 30, 2025 . Specifically , the agency shall be responsible for submitting all applicable <br />invoices so that the City can issue payment to the agency prior to the aforementioned deadline. The agency <br />shall notify the City by no later than March 31, 2025, if it ant icipates problems meeting this deadline so that <br />the City may consider an extension. <br />6. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS <br />The Contractor's administrative procedures must be in compliance with the following regulations : <br />A. 2 CFR part 200 , 200.400 et. seq. Subpart E -Cost Principles . <br />B. 2 CFR part 200 , 200.300 et. seq . Subpart D -Post Federal Award Requirements . <br />Page 10 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 2D046EA3-3EAC-4B50-9E52-5CAAFF47F1ED