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ORD 2283
City of Pleasanton
2201 - 2300
ORD 2283
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Ordinance No 2283 <br />Page 15 of 17 <br />70. BACKFLOW AND IRRIGATION METER SCREENING: All backflow prevention devices, <br />above ground irrigation controls, and above ground irrigation meters shall be located and <br />screened to minimize their visual impacts. These devices with their proposed screening <br />shall be shown on the landscaping and utility plans submitted with the building permit <br />plans or improvement plans, clearly marked "above ground" or "below ground" on the <br />plans, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Landscape Architect <br />prior to their installation. If above -ground, they shall be painted forest green or an <br />equivalent dark -green color. Screens shall consist of berms, walls, or landscaping <br />satisfactorily integrated into the landscape plan. Landscape screens shall include <br />shrubbery designed by species and planting density to establish a complete screen <br />within 1 year from the date of planting. Weather protection devices, such as measures to <br />protect pipes from freezing, shall require approval by the City Landscape Architect prior <br />to use; at no time shall fabric or other material not designed and/or intended for this <br />purpose be wrapped around or otherwise placed on these devices. <br />Trees <br />71. TREE BOND: Any tree affected by development/construction must be protected per the <br />Municipal Code. The applicant shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security <br />satisfactory to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer, for all Heritage Trees and any <br />other significant tree as deemed by the City Landscape Architect. This bond or security <br />will be for the value of the tree(s), up to a maximum of $100,000, and shall be held for a <br />minimum of 1 year following acceptance of public improvements of completion of <br />construction, whichever is later, and shall be forfeited if the trees are destroyed or <br />substantially damaged. An arborist shall be onsite during any tree work (i.e. root pruning, <br />trimming, setting up tree protection, etc.). The bond or security may be released early <br />with a certification letter by the arborist confirming he/she was present during said tree <br />work and work was performed in accordance with the arborist's recommendations. <br />72. ROOT CUTTING: The applicant shall comply with the following tree root cutting <br />requirements: <br />a. Roots 1 -inch in diameter or larger to be removed shall be cleanly cut with a <br />hand saw. Roots smaller than 1 -inch in diameter are not considered to be <br />significant and may be removed by the most efficient means. <br />b Roots larger than 2 -inches in diameter and within 8 -feet of the tree trunk shall <br />not be cut or ground unless prior approval has been received from the <br />Landscape Architecture Division. <br />C Roots of any diameter farther than 8 -feet from the tree trunk, which are in <br />conflict with the proposed work may be ground a maximum of one-half of <br />their diameter. Work of this nature shall only be performed using a <br />mechanical stump grinder and only by personnel familiar with its operation. <br />d. Roots up to 6 -inches in diameter and farther than 8 -feet from the tree trunk <br />may be removed if they are in conflict with the proposed work. Roots that are <br />removed shall be cleanly cut using a hand saw. <br />73. ROOT CONTROL BARRIER: The applicant shall provide root control barriers and 4 -inch <br />perforated pipe for all trees located within 8 -feet of pavement or other hardscape, <br />determined by the City Landscape Architect. Root barriers shall be located along the <br />edge of the pavement wherever the tree is within 8 -feet of pavement or hardscape. <br />
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