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Ordinance No. 2283 <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />61. FIRE SPRINKLERS: Automatic fire sprinklers shall be installed in all occupancies in <br />accordance with the 2016 Pleasanton Building, Fire and Residential Codes with local <br />amendments and ordinances. <br />62. EMERGENCY RESPONDER RADIO: Emergency responder radio coverage shall be <br />provided in accordance with section 510 of the Fire Code. <br />63. FIRE PROTECTION FACILITIES: Prior to any construction framing, the applicant shall <br />provide adequate fire protection facilities, including, but not limited to a water supply and <br />water flow in conformance to the City's Fire Department Standards able to suppress a <br />major fire. <br />64. WATER FLOW AND CONTROL VALVES: All fire sprinkler system water flow and <br />control valves shall be complete and serviceable prior to final inspection. Prior to the <br />occupancy of a building having a fire alarm system, the Fire Department shall test and <br />witness the operation of the fire alarm system. <br />65. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT: Electrical conduit shall be provided to each fire protection <br />system control valve including all valve(s) at the water connections. The Livermore - <br />Pleasanton Fire Department requires electronic supervision of all valves for automatic <br />sprinkler systems and fire protection systems. <br />66. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION: Address numbers shall be installed on the front or <br />primary entrance for all buildings. Minimum building address character size shall be 12 - <br />inch high by 1 -inch stroke. In all cases address numerals shall be of contrasting <br />background and clearly visible in accordance with the Livermore -Pleasanton Fire <br />Department Premises Identification Standards. This may warrant field verification and <br />adjustments based upon topography, landscaping or other obstructions. <br />67. FINAL INSPECTION: Prior to request for final inspection, all access roads, on-site <br />access and fire hydrants shall be provided. All fire hydrants shall be accepted, inspected <br />and tested to applicable City Standards. <br />LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DIVISION — 925-931-5672 <br />Landscaping <br />68. Building permit plans shall show all trees 6" in diameter or greater, including their <br />dripline, and include tree protection notes for trees to be retained as required by the <br />municipal code. All trees 6" in diameter or greater that are being removed should be <br />replaced with a 15 -gallon sized tree. <br />69. LANDSCAPING: Detailed landscape and irrigation plans encompassing all planting <br />areas shall be included in the building permit plans. All plans shall be prepared by a <br />licensed landscape architect and shall provide the species, location, size, quantities, and <br />spacing of all plants. Minimum plant sizes are 1 -gallon containers for ground cover, 5 - <br />gallon containers for shrubs, and 15 -gallon containers for trees. Plant species shall be of <br />a drought -tolerant nature and the irrigation design shall utilize low-volume drip, bubbler, <br />or other water conserving irrigation systems to the maximum extent possible. The <br />drawings shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Landscape Architect <br />prior to building permit issuance. <br />