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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 16 of 32 <br /> MS4, or receiving waters. <br /> 10.The Public Works Director may require submission of information to evaluate the <br /> implementation and/or require the implementation of BMPs, including, but not <br /> limited to, the following: <br /> a. Minimum BMPs. All dischargers must implement and maintain at least the <br /> following minimum BMPs: Appropriate BMPs will be implemented to <br /> prevent pollutant and waste sources from entering the [Agency's] storm <br /> drain collection system that are associated with outdoor process and <br /> manufacturing areas, outdoor material storage areas, outdoor waste <br /> storage and disposal areas, outdoor vehicle and equipment storage and <br /> maintenance areas, outdoor parking and access roads, outdoor wash <br /> areas, outdoor drainage from indoor areas, rooftop equipment, <br /> contaminated and erodible surfaces, or other sources by the Public Works <br /> Director to have reasonable potential to contribute to pollution to <br /> stormwater runoff. <br /> b. Inspection, Maintenance, Repair and Upgrading of BMPs. BMPs at staffed <br /> and unstaffed facilities must be inspected and maintained by the <br /> discharger according to manufacturer specifications and/or the California <br /> Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater BMP Handbooks. <br /> These BMPs must be maintained so that they continue to function as <br /> designed. BMPs that fail must be repaired as soon as it is safe to do so. If <br /> the failure of a BMP indicates that the BMPs in use are inappropriate or <br /> inadequate to the circumstances, the BMPs must be modified or upgraded <br /> to prevent any further failure in the same or similar circumstances. <br /> B. Containment and notification of spills. <br /> 1. Notwithstanding any other requirement of law, any known or suspected spill or <br /> release of pollutants or wastes which result or may result in an illicit discharge <br /> into the City of Pleasanton storm drain system, Waters of the United States, or <br /> Waters of the State, shall be reported immediately in the following manner by any <br /> Responsible Person for a facility or Responsible Person for the facility's <br /> emergency response: <br /> a. The release of a hazardous material or hazardous waste shall be <br /> immediately reported to emergency services by emergency dispatch <br /> services (911). <br /> b. The release of a nonhazardous waste shall be reported to the Public <br /> Works Administration by phone at 925-931-5500 no later than 4:00 p.m. <br /> on the same business day. If the release occurs afterhours or on weekend <br /> or holidays, report to the Pleasanton Police Department nonemergency <br /> line at 925-931-5100. A written notification of the release shall also be <br />