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Ordinance No. 2281 <br /> Page 15 of 32 <br /> Board, or the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, <br /> shall provide Notice of Intent to comply with, and undertake all activities <br /> required by any general stormwater permit as applicable to such <br /> discharges. <br /> 6. Proof of compliance with a general stormwater permit may be required in a form <br /> acceptable to the City of Pleasanton's designated representative prior to or as a <br /> condition of a subdivision map, site plan, building permit, development or <br /> improvement plan, or business license; upon inspection of a facility; during any <br /> enforcement proceeding or action; or for any other reasonable cause. <br /> 7. Incidental irrigation runoff is the unintended amounts of runoff that leave the area <br /> of application such as minimal overspray. Water leaving the intended area of <br /> application is not incidental if it is due to the design, excessive application, <br /> intentional overflow or application, or inadequate maintenance. Irrigation systems <br /> must be designed and maintained to conserve water and prevent water from <br /> leaving the area of application. Responsible Persons shall control irrigation <br /> systems to prevent excessive irrigation runoff by implementing the following <br /> BMPs: <br /> a. Detect and repair leaks from the irrigation system within 8 hours of <br /> notification by the city of the leak or upon discovery of the leak; <br /> b. Properly design and aim sprinkler heads to only irrigate the planned <br /> application area; <br /> c. Do not irrigate during precipitation events; and <br /> d. Where recycled water is used for irrigation, the user must conform to the <br /> requirements set forth in the City of Pleasanton's Municipal Code, Section <br /> 14.06 Regulations of Recycled Water Use; and Section 17.14 Water- <br /> Efficient Landscaping Regulations, as amended from time to time, or <br /> those given by the MRP, whichever are greater. <br /> 8. Best management practices (BMPs) and standards to reduce stormwater and <br /> non-stormwater pollutants. <br /> a. Responsibility to implement BMPs. Any Person engaged in activities or <br /> operations or owning or occupying facilities or property that will or may <br /> result in pollutants entering the MS4 or receiving waters shall implement <br /> BMPs to prevent and reduce such pollutants. <br /> 9. City of Pleasanton may establish BMPs. In addition to BMPs set forth in any <br /> general stormwater permit or individual NPDES permit, and notwithstanding the <br /> discharge exemptions set forth in the MRP, the City of Pleasanton may establish <br /> and require compliance with BMPs for any activity, operation, or facility that may <br /> cause or contribute to degradation, pollution or contamination of stormwater, the <br />